PermaCryptoFolio Weekly Status Report 27/2017 - EOS added to FLIPPER and ARIELLE Portfolios
Hello Steemit,
welcome to weekly status report 27/2017 for STEEM exclusive PermaCryptoFolio experiment.

As every week, let's have a look at the current Top 30 Crypto Currencies first. Most coins lost value compared to last week. Biggest gainer is Verisateum. Unfortunatly this token is not tradable on Poloniex, Bittrex, Kraken or Bitfinex, so it is out of scope for my portfolios.

Development of the portfolio values in US Dollar compared to a pure Bitcoin investment (orange line). For better comparability value of ARIELLE portfolio is multiplied by 3.

Development of the portfolio values in Bitcoin compared to a pure Bitcoin investment (orange line). For better comparability value of ARIELLE portfolio is multiplied by 3.

Development of the relative performance of Altcoins since the beginning of the PermaCryptoFolio experiment (September 1st 2016).

The DORY Portfolio
See below the current state of the DORY Portfolio .

I have already submitted the next orders for DORY into the Kraken orderbook.

The NEMO Portfolio
See below the current state of the NEMO Portfolio.

Note that NEMO can not invest in IOTA because this coin is not tradeable on Bittrex.
The NEW FLIPPER Portfolio
See below the current state of the NEW FLIPPER Portfolio after todays rebalancing.

The ARIELLE Portfolio
See below the current state of the ARIELLE Portfolio after todays rebalancing.

Learn more about PermaCryptoFolio
If you are a new reader, please read first the PermaCryptoFolio experiment announcement.
Second follow these links to learn more about the 4 portfolios:
Withdraw all the funds out of the exchanges!
It is strongly recommended to withdraw all funds out of Cryptocurrency exchanges when not needed for trading there.
In the past I have written a series of pictured tutorials HOWTO withdraw
- XMR Monero
- BTC Bitcoin
- ETH Ether
- ETC Ether Classic
- LTC Litecoin
- REP Augur
Thanks for sharing in so much detail as well!
I've posted an update about my portfolio a few days ago. We have some cryptos in common, but generally it is very different. Which coin is the most promising within your portfolio do you think?
I like the Idea behind the Nemo portfolio, seems for me the best way to go for the marathon.
Do you have for each coin a wallet or are most of them on an exchange for faster trades?
DORY and NEMO is completely stored on Exchanges. For FLIPPER and ARIELLE I withdraw at much as possible, if there are lightwallets available.
As always thanks for the update. As rewarding as Arielle has been until now I can't help but feel like Nemo has by far the best risk reward ratio given the recent trend. I'll be really interested to see how this develops over the next month or two, since the market has stalled alts have really taken a beating but so far BTC has held fairly steady. I'll be very interested to see if we return to this year's earlier trend after the scaling dust settles or if we'll see a paradigm shift towards even further bitcoin dominance on a successful scaling solution, or even a loss of dominance with a messy fork.
Ich bin gerade völlig baff darüber, was du hier auf die Beine gestellt hast @twinner. Ich wollte einen ähnlichen Ansatz verfolgen, aber deine Arbeit ist so ausgezeichnet, dass ich meine nun für völlig überflüssig halten würde...
Mit Wohnsitz in Deutschland finde ich das Rebalancing in einem Zeitraum unter einem Jahr für zu schmerzhaft, aber deine 5/12 Regel ist dennoch nachvollziehbar.
Ich wünsche dem ARIELLE Portfolio weiterhin alles gute, aber nun werden die kommenden 21 Tage erstmal interessant und abhängig vom Node- und Miner-Signaling im Bitcoin-Universum hat deine USD-Cash Position vielleicht eine nette Kaufmöglichkeit.
Mach weiterhin diesen guten Job hier und halte uns mit dem transparenten Portfolio auf dem laufenden.
Liebe Grüße