Population Problem! ( Government Long Battle )

in #people8 years ago

Since what year our population became a problem?
What is the solution to this?

Philippines is one of the over populated country in the world and it keeps on growing and growing every year. Many administration past and all the major problem is this over population situation.

Over population brought much more problem in our country and also to the other country as well. Because of the high number of people poverty strikes, job opportunities lessen, crime rate increases, and many other factor cause by over population.

Philippine past government concentrate on how to lessen poverty not minding the main cause of it. Yes, we have this family planning but not all family knows about it.

My mother work on our baranggay and she work as the Baranggay Nutrition Scholar (BNS), she said to me that lots of family have no knowledge about family planning, some family just heard about it but don't participate in it, some family have no interest on it, some family are interested but never understand it because of their low educational background and less family are adopting on it.
And the sad part is those family that are suffering in poverty has more children than the family who lives in wealth.

So how important that the 4 child policy our new government proposed must be pass? ( that should only be 3 or 2 hahaha )

Our new government now proposed a law where their should be a limit number of children in a family. Well this might work, because this means that our population can be exactly pridected in the future. Less children in a family less children to raise and have the chance to give a better future to them.

My husband has 12 siblings, but not in 1 mother but in 3. He's father married 3 times. In the first wife he has 4 siblings, in second wife they are 3 ( he came from the second wife of his father ) and in the third wife he has 6 siblings and the most sad part is his father don't have the capability to raise all of them.

Maybe your now asking "then why did he choose to have a lots of children?", the answer is he didn't choose it, this is the example of lack of knowledge about family planning and because of that it result to numerous number of child in the family suming it all, over population.

So if the new proposed law which is the 4 child policy will be pass in the congress maybe, just maybe we will have a gasp of hope in the future controlling the number of people in the world.

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