Shining like a straw flame
If we put people in the center and travel in two different directions; the first is the world and the universe outside our body; We will be far from the numbers and concepts that our minds and minds can grasp. The speed of light, astronomical calculations, are made by scientists. Despite all this, where is it desired to reach by increasing numbers to the realm of infinity? Of course, what has a beginning also has an end.
If we turn our direction to our inner world as the second dimension; this time, we see that numbers and numbers are getting smaller and smaller, or we accept it. We come to a point where we need tools such as a telescope to grasp the great world; In order to understand the small world, we need tools such as microscopes.
For example, we experience the positive and negative effects of invisible beings that we can only notice with the help of medical instruments. The coronavirus has affected the world and people so much that we haven't had a common point yet because everything was fresh. Besides the correct information; There is also information available for all kinds of interpretations.
Generally, humanity tends to the negative and wrong ones, especially the ones that shine like a straw flame. He also likes to add his own invention to the speculative news that he has heard and that has not been proven true. He especially likes to reach places by spreading fear and panic, in short, to take a place in the corner as if he "knows a lot".
However, everything flows from one range to another. Nothing stands still. Creation continues every moment and there is a tremendous change. Here, when "change - development" is added to the point of time, space and speed; the universe; It is very difficult for us to know, understand, comprehend and imagine materially.