How to become smarter than You are now?

in #people2 years ago


Today we will talk about the question that many people are asking: how to become smarter?

Unfortunately, there are no «pills for the mind» or any miraculous methods. There is no magic potion or special products that will help people become smarter. If you want a beautiful and toned body, then what will you do? That's right, you will start eating right and exercising. So it is with the mind. To become smarter, you need to study and work on yourself.

How to become smarter?

Being smart means being able to solve all kinds of life problems, that is, the troubles that a person faces every day. To do this, you need to understand what problems exist in your life. No friends? Money? Is everyone just doing what they're trying to use you for? Is there a lack of knowledge in some area? Tired of work? Are you ill?

Now take a certain situation, the solution of which will significantly change your life in material terms. For example, you will find a new job with a good team and start earning enough money.

Then the most unpleasant thing. You start acting: you go to study, look for a new job, meet new people, read books and learn how to solve life problems.

If you have no problems as such, but you want to become smarter, then the tips below are just for you. They will help you use the available time to your advantage and become smarter than you are now.

Spend your time wisely on the Internet

How many minutes or hours a day do you spend on social media, just flipping through the news feed? Why not spend time on the Internet with benefits instead of viewing photos on Instagram?

The Internet is a storehouse of useful information where you can learn and learn almost everything that interests you. Register on sites with memory simulators [Cognifit, Mnemonica, Wikium], read books online, start taking a course on a topic you are interested in or learn new words. Subscribe to bloggers who share useful information on social networks, watch educational videos on YouTube, and then you will be able to "pump" your brain very well without making much effort.

Learn a foreign language

In the era of technology, learning foreign languages has become much easier and more exciting. Use language learning apps such as Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Babbel, communicate with native speakers on the Italki and Busuu platforms. Learn words from Anki cards when traveling on public transport, and try to spend your free time as usefully as possible.

Feed the brain with healthy food

Some foods increase concentration and improve memory. Daily consumption of foods containing antioxidants, amino acids and fatty acids can significantly affect brain productivity.

Include seeds, nuts, fatty fish, berries, green tea, green leafy vegetables and pomegranate in your diet to naturally supply your body with all the necessary trace elements.

Take free online courses to gain new skills

Now you can master almost any profession without leaving home. Programming, design, marketing, graphics, web design, floristry — all this can be learned with only an electronic device and Internet access. With the development of distance learning, people have the opportunity to learn from the best specialists in the world, get the latest and most relevant knowledge, study unusual cases and perform interesting tasks.

On sites like Coursera, Udemy, edX, Alison and Stepik, you can find many free courses, and some educational platforms even issue diplomas that are equivalent to obtaining a degree at a university.

Play mind games

We have already said that the brain, like the body, must be trained so that it is always in good shape and in good shape. Applications such as «Lumosity«», «IQ Pro» and «Peak» will help develop memory, mindfulness and problem solving skills. It has been proven that intellectual games help to increase the speed of information processing by the brain and prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Read the news every day

Reading the news, you will always be aware of what is happening in the world, and you can easily maintain a conversation with anyone. But be careful and read the news only from trusted sources to avoid false information.

Are you surrounded by smart people

If you want to become smarter, communicate with people who are smarter than you. It is from such an environment that you will be able to draw inspiration and fill yourself with positive energy. Try to attend various conferences, lectures and seminars where interesting personalities speak for you. Meet new people, ask questions to speakers and spend time in a pleasant environment for you!

Do sports

It has been proven that regular sports are useful not only for the body, but also for the mind, since sports promote blood circulation. Run, dance and move actively to increase blood flow to the brain and improve thought processes.

Share your experience and knowledge with others

Sharing knowledge is a great way to not forget anything and earn credibility in the eyes of other people. When a person shares his knowledge, he organizes all the information, he has a desire to learn and gain new knowledge.

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