the way you are the world recognize you
People think they will not be accepted by other people because we in the world of perfect people are imperfect when you accept yourself the way you are the world recognises you, it all start from within we have this fantasy about life "This is how things should work, This is my plan, it should go as per my plan if that doesn't happen we give up... Life is a test and trial and test are never supposed to be easy, so when you want ease from life and life gives you lemons and you make a lemonade and then do not blame life for that... It is okay to be scared, it is okay to cry, Everything is okay... But giving up should not be an option.... They always says that failure is not an option failure should be an option Because when you fail you get up, and then you fail and then you get up, and that keeps you going... Embrace each and every breathe you are taking celebrate your life... Don't die before you are dead... Real happiness lies in gratitude so be grateful be alive and live every moment.