There are no morals left in this godless world.
There sure are a great number of people wearing what must be Rose coloured glasses that tint everything to look as though it’s being controlled by global Zionism. And while there’s a great deal of criminal wrongdoing global Jewish Zionism is responsible for, they do not however, control everyone and everything; while if they did there would be no resistance against Zionism’s agendas from anyone.
Even those that challenge the establishment’s false narratives on any or all given issues while informing others of the establishment’s criminal and otherwise exploits, are supporting the same corrupt system by being good consumers - while some of the profits from things we necessarily consume to stay alive are fuelling the war machine and continued lobbying designed to further diminish citizen rights and opportunities while exploiting all factions of the public financially and politically.
One real problem in understanding who the worst offenders are, is in determining whether or not the person in question is merely a victim of establishment propaganda without understanding how and why the establishment manipulates the public - or are they fully aware of the establishment’s perception management and mind control indoctrination techniques while knowingly advancing the same establishment’s criminal agendas and goals?
For instance - does Shawn Penn actually understand Ukrainians are being used as canon fodder for the Western globalists proxy war, or is he just a brainwashed fool being used as the establishment’s propaganda mouthpiece? The same question can be asked of anyone else - are they brainwashed and indoctrinated victims of sophisticated propaganda campaigns, or are they fully aware and willing participants advancing the establishment’s agendas by consuming their products without questioning the criminal status quo or informing others of the hidden truth?