Anticipating Pilkada Cheating 2015
The direct election of regional heads is the elaboration of Law Number 22 Year 1999 regarding Regional Government, then amended by Law Number 32 Year 2004 from the beginning of the era of paradigm change in the life of nation and state, from centralized to decentralized. One of the impacts of regional autonomy is the change in the procedures for the election of regional heads, from indirect to direct election.
Moh. Kusnardi and Harmaily Ibrahim (1988) say that the election is nothing but a way to elect people's representatives. And therefore for a country that calls it a democratic country, the elections must be held at certain times.
The election of 5 (five) regencies / cities in the province of Central Java will be held in December 2015. The five regencies / cities are Pemalang District, Grobokan, Demak, Sragen, and Pekalongan. Various preparations are being undertaken by the election organizers (in accordance with Law No.22 / 2007), local government (pursuant to Law No.32 / 2004), Regent / Mayor Candidate, Success Team, and community. One of the preparations being undertaken by the Election Organizer in this case Bawaslu is the recruitment of district / city Panwaslu staff.
Bawaslu as the organizer of the General Election is responsible for overseeing the implementation of General Election to either the Election Commission or the Election (Political Parties or Individuals) is an independent and autonomous institution.