Update On The War On Pedophilia

in #pedophilia8 years ago (edited)

It seems that even the alt media has fallen silent when it comes to the Pizzagate/Pedogate investigation. Even most of the most ardent bloggers have found a new cause celebre... with a few exceptions. Admittedly there's been little going on except behind the scenes- the Trump administration has been following the trail heading to the top. @titusfrost has been a stalwart in exposing the elite pedophile ring, both on Steemit, YouTube and other visual media. Similarly, David Zublick of America Talks Radio has been instrumental in keeping the narrative alive. In a video he did on 9/11, he talks about journalist Liz Crokin's ongoing investigation that has yielded information indicting one-third of all three branches of government as Satanic pedophiles that not only molest children, but sacrifice them as well.

This atrocity is not limited to recent administrations, but cites the Discovery Channel's documentary that showed that members of the Reagan/Bush White House indulged as well. Nor is it limited to the Federal Government. Recent evidence shows that in Maine and Vermont charges have been made against Child Services, police and clergy. State Senator Nancy Schaefer, of Georgia was investigating child trafficking being done by Child Services in her home state when both she and her husband died under mysterious circumstances.

It isn't likely that even if President Trump is successful in bringing down the entire lot of these criminals, the MSM will broadcast the story. They've been instrumental in stonewalling him in any and all efforts he's made to govern. "News outlets" such as CNN and MSNBC have made no attempt to hide their animosity to the President. Neither has Hellywood. If one-third of the government is comprised of Satanic pedophiles, the percentage in Hellywood is likely to be far higher- any assistance from any but a very few is likely in exposing what's going on.

In a post today @runaway-slave showed a fairly new video in which Martin Brodel speaks about Nicole Kidman coming forward to talk about a conversation she had with Stanley Kubrick, in which he disclosed to her his belief that the world is being run by pedophiles that make up secret societies. I've written about many of them, particularly Tavistock Inst. which is at the center. It goes out from there like concentric circles, including the Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations (the mysterious "Council" from the Night Gods stories) as well as others. After about 3 circles it spreads out in what I call the "Kudzu Effect" where it grows wild, unchecked and includes many American universities, think tanks, etc. In both the Zublick and Brodel videos, Trumps incremental plan to bring these criminals down is disclosed.

(This is a repost of the Brodel video posted by @runaway-slave)
Both videos show that this is not a phenomenon peculiar to the United States but a worldwide network of elite pedophiles working together to traffic children around the globe. Some of the most prolific being the British Royal family, especially Prince Charles who was tied closely to known pedophile Jimmy Savile, who was even knighted for his "undying dedication to children and the elderly." (Both of whom he abused)

A dying British Intelligence agent confessed his role in killing Princess Diana because she knew too much about Prince Charles' aberrant sexual behavior and was about to make it public. These Satanic elites will stop at nothing to protect one another. In the Brodel video he intimates that he believes that the global banksters have threatened to crash the world economy if the Trump administration goes after George Soros or the Clintons.

GIF by @papa-pepper



Pedophiles sometimes use the Internet to get their prey and the government could use the same to take pot shots at them one by one.
If some elites are involved, it is a quite hard work.

It's the elites behind the whole thing. They use wars to take children and all of the dead people have their organs harvested. Companies like DynCorp (a CIA front) are tools of the governments and elites behind it all.

Oh it is just a horror @richq11
And to also destroy a whole country also is quite sad thing to realize as well.

Not just a country... They'll crash the world economy!

Quite awful the world are in the hands of the few.
Just like in my country too.

There is just so much evil going on, which the majority of us are blissfully unaware of. Until one day we are not. I have had an encounter with Satanism, forced on me by circumstance. I will never see the world the same again. There is evil out there.

And it's not always ugly! One of the major themes in the Night Gods series is that it's all around us (and in us). We are born of sin- evil is man's natural state- it's something we have to fight. Some of us are able to overcome- some succumb!

Crash the world economy. We need cleaner food anyway. This is about justice and our children. Our future. What ignorant despicable people would try to cover this up...it's sickening how many.

The people that run the world economy run the mainstream media as well... and Monsanto and ADM, Cargill, and the other big food producers that are giving us cancer. I wrote a series of stories (one story actually) called The Lottery Council about cancer being part of the globalist attempt to "cull the herd" and keep the population down.

I'd love to read that. Sadly it doesn't surprise me. When will people wake up and realize nothing is more valuable than moral fiber? Sigh.

It's here on Steemit. Just go to the little magnifying glass, or Google it... or Google @richq11

Thank you ! Checking out your other stuff too.. Great Work! How did I miss you? Your posts are awesome!

Thanks... The Night Gods (part I and II) will be out as a book in Nov.

change your tag to informationwar, and it'll show up in the tag feed with the others ;>

I thought I did.

I see!

holy shit it gave me goosebumps

Great post - OK, now I have to admit, I'm really curious (you are only the third person I've ever asked this) - why did you unfollow me after I did a post about Zionists killing Palestinians? - I thought after seeing some of your past comments that you were into exposing that stuff?

Or was it something else...

No stress, just wondering...

You're refollowed... The reason is because I went through my following list and anyone I haven't heard from in a long time... So far I've unfollowed about 50 with more to come. To tell the truth, I didn't see your post about killing Palestinians. The last thing I saw was a post about "Follow Me" with a chick with big boobs, I think (It Was hilarious)

Cool... at least I'm not completely useless!

Thanks for that. You are one of the first people I started following on Steemit, and I think of you as a real Steemit friend rather than a bot.

I'm sorry for being so reclusive, you have just inspired me to do a short post with an attempt at an excuse.

You know that post with the big boob chick started a flagging war and caused some people to unfollow me?

I was nearly rolling on the floor laughing my arse off, but then it dawned on me that a bunch of them thought I was really trying to scam them by pretending to have huge boobs.

Ever since then I've been paranoid about offending people but it's not in my nature to be meek and inoffensive.

Great to have you back on board - that's the third time I've been unfollowed by a real follower, and I've asked why - and each time they have said something like "because I'm having a clear out and you never comment"

Sorry, I will up my game a bit!

As of yesterday I'm making an effort to comment more!

I'm going to leave my tag all over the place.

I saw the flagging war... I was shocked! About a week prior I had done a similar post- an introduction post with a pic of a hot babe and tagged it #humor and #introduction. I think I made about $25 on it, so you can imagine my surprise when yours got flagged! I thought it was hilarious!!!

Anyway- I'm glad you're back on board! When people disappear, I assume either they're not following my posts or their account is dead. Just give me a nudge (or an upvote, I like those even better) I usually check steemstats every day to see who's voting my stuff.

It worked out OK in the end, and the main guy doing the flagging actually appologised and followed me!

He has since gone on to get into a flagging war with bern ie sand ers so I felt a bit concerned for him!

One of the best parts of all that was that I saw that if I was getting flagged I have some very cool friends on Steemit who would look out for me.

And that is pretty awesome.

They are going down and very soon- that's why I've been granted R&R and I'm loving it- it's already set into motion- timeline cemented.

Its never been a good thing but are we ever going to rid the world of this

No they pretty much run the world!

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