The Marlboro Man and Pedophilia

in #pedophilia7 years ago

When I was a young lad we men-children were trained to never betray our feelings by showing them. The Marlboro Man silhouetted against the sunset on his horse smoking his cigarette thinking manly thoughts. The "strong but silent type" popular in the movies. The Real Men Don't Cry meme we all osmosed even if nobody said it out loud.

That all started to change in the '60's and we men were not only allowed to feel feelings we began to be celebrated when we expressed them.

All good.

I sometimes wonder if we've gone too far, though. There is such pressure to never, ever, under any circumstances say or do something even slightly offensive or hurtful as paramount - even seemingly more important than speaking truth or doing the right thing.

For example, I see people who are risking their life trying to end pedophilia being criticized for offending others with the way they says things while the content of what they say is ignored.

Let's be clear - Pizzagate is not about "just" pedophilia - as if that wasn't bad enough. Pizzagate is about the global networks of Lizard People and their Stooges that Abduct, Rape, Torture, and Kill children (including babies) by the tens of thousands.

The Lizard People are doing everything they can to perpetuate these heinous crimes. See the Op Ed in the NY Times (Op-ed October 6, 2014, Page A23 of the New York Times headline: "Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime") arguing that pedophilia should be considered a mental condition and not a crime. This is an important step in their goal of "normalizing" these behaviors.

From CNN/a CNN insider - verbatim correspondence: “Hello. I have some new details, that I have overheard in meetings. They are adamantly pushing for a full-scale assault on Trump, Putin, and Assange. I hope you remember reading about the first two Red Scares, because this is to be the third. It is currently in the finalizing process. This is an agenda hell-bent on destroying Trump, Putin, and Assange, and on pushing the CIA as a protective force of the people, from these men. They are also planning on using psychological conditioning to validate severe forms of pedophilia and liberal extremism and to make anyone, who dares question it, labeled as a conservative, alt-right, or neo-nazi. This is so extreme, that I do not care if I lose my job. This is so sick, I can’t look away. Please, Victurus, stay vigilant. Even with knowledge of it upfront, their psychological conditioning can make you side with them. This might be my last word with you. If it is, keep reporting the truth, that is all I ask for.”

Additional perspective: David Icke (among many others) has loudly and publicly called George H.W. Bush a vicious pedophile for years without any lawsuits, public denials, etc. Begs the question, why does George H.W. Bush not take legal action against Icke?

- Begins at 00:49

It's everywhere if you open your eyes. It's up to each of us to contest this part (at least) of the "New World Order" plan. We must clearly make our opposition to pedophilia/bestiality known emphatically and publicly. If we do not, then, we are either:

A. For pedophilia and/or bestiality --or--
B. We are enablers because we stand by passively while these atrocities take place.

Let's support the many good people in this world who are coming together and risking much, even their lives, to put an end to this unspeakable evil - David Icke, George Webb, Craig "Sawman" Sawyer, Benjamin Fulford, many others.

Highly Recommended Additional Perspective: "The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia"

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