Faces of Pedophiles - At Least 11 Mayors Accused Of Child Sex-Related Crimes Since 2016

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray resigned on Wednesday after a fifth man publicly accused the Democrat of molesting him as a child.
But Murray isn’t alone. At least 11 then-current and former mayors have been accused of child sex abuse-related crimes since 2016. The allegations range from child porn to physical abuse. The alleged victims were as young as four years old.
We love our pot belly pedophiles oh their so good, oh their so sweet.
If I had to guess I'd say most of them have pot bellies and are democrats. Not that the Republicians don't have their fair share of pedophiles but is seems like the Democratic party is crawling with just the scummiest of the scum in politics.
It all makes sense if you believe in the new world order or what I like to call them 'the club' a group of rich elites that run the world's central banks and have thousands of minions in the highest levels of government. The only way to control those minions would be to black mail them with the worst of the worst crimes such as pedophilia.
Check out these guys, would you leave your kids alone with anyone of these guys? They all have this creepy vibe to them.
Faces of these criminals.

Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/13/at-least-11-mayors-accused-of-child-sex-related-crimes-since-2016/
Crazy when you line them all up like that. I think we have certainly brought awareness to a level where the system had to lock some of these monsters up. Resteemed.
Yup, it's about time we put pressure on the system to do something and raise awareness to the public that these criminals lurk in our government.
Mayors are just the start, we already know a much deeper ring has yet to be taken down..wait til the Governors, Senators and other high profile politicians get exposed for what they really are,
We're waking up, inform your loved ones, only us the people can bring these demons down
They already have been exposed but like the FBI says...there's no "public interest" in pursuing it.
I hope you're right.
And yet no mention of this on the MSM...
I don't know if it's knowledge of the article or the fact that they just look creepy in their mugshots but each one of them has a reeeeeally fucked up look on their faces. What emotion do you suppose that is?
I don't think pedophiles get very emotional.
Filthy cretins
I read an article today about that Keenan guy... His excuse was- "She came on to me." (A 4 year old!!!)
Good lord that guys is messed up.
Unbelievably! When my grand daughter was 4 she used to come on to me all the time..."Grandpa, buy me this- Grandpa buy me that." There is NOTHING in the least sexual about a 4 year old!!!
Oh for justice to "roll down like a river" on the scum of the earth; John Podesta, Tony Podesta, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, and countless other high profile elites that seem to be above our laws and immune to scrutiny. They will be served justice one day but it should be here and now.
They take down the "little guys" while the "big boys" go untouched.
Yes sir, these are just the little guys too.
I still believe and hope that the big fish do get to face justice.