3 Best Pectoral Exercises for Maximum Muscle Growth
Source (https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/uomo-sport-fitness-atleta-15917309/)
In this blog you discover the top 3 exercises for maximum pectoral muscle growth! Learn how to optimize your training volume for hypertrophy and get the best results.
Here are the 3 best exercises for pectorals.
Our body has a limited ability to withstand the training volume and the stimulus is expressed in a Gaussian curve: if you train too little a muscle does not grow. In addition, there is an optimal volume for muscle hypertrophy, and if you train it too much it does not recover and resumes not growing.
- Bench press.
Source (https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/forte-sportivo-che-lavora-sul-banco-nella-moderna-palestra-3837757/)
The barbell bench press is considered the King of chest exercises, however it has a reduced range compared to the dumbbell bench press.
Alternating the bench press with barbell bar and with dumbbell, remains the best mix for the hypertrophy of the great pectoral.
- Dumbells flyes.
Source (https://www.pexels.com/it-it/foto/uomo-seduto-su-una-panchina-piatta-3490348/)
Both on flat bench and inclined, are often used both to "isolate" the chest, and to increase its health by improving the ROM. They can be used both as pre-exhaustion, and as finisher in the chest workout.
- Cables allow you to maintain continuous tension on the muscle, and remain an excellent solution to change stimulus compared to free weights. I’m talking about the Crosses to the Cables up and down