Perfect Peace

in #peace4 years ago


Perfect and constant peace in mind. ☺

How many are searching for that in society? People expend much effort and spend a fortune seeking peace of mind.

They look in all manner of places, most of which offer less peace than before, a pseudo-peace, or one that is imperfect and fleeting.

A peace that depends on another person is not peace.
A peace that depends on finding our own "inner peace" is not peace. It's EFFORT and it demands constant watchfulness of our own self. It's neither constant nor perfect.

Anything that depends on me - anything that requires solely my own efforts and strength - is going to fail or at least fluctuate wildly. It won't be constant, it won't be perfect.

Constant and perfect peace. 👌 Isn't that the best kind? That's the kind God offers!

God's way simply requires me to keep my mind on and trust in the Lord. Then, I have the promise that HE will keep me in perfect and constant peace.

Part of the good news of the gospel is that Jesus finished the work. We don't need to work for or earn our salvation because Jesus purchased it for us with His life.

The free grace extends in that finished work to us for all the wonderful provisions in His word - like peace. We only need to trust in Him for what He's already promised us. We don't need to strive in our efforts; we need to trust in Him.
Once we start trusting Him and spending time with Him we'll see it's not works, it's relationship He's after.

Good works are great but they don't earn points with God. He looks at the heart. Good works should flow out of that heart for Him.
This is Great News!! Amen 🙋‍♀️

So, if you're searching for peace of mind and you're fed up of working at it and it being fleeting, then this is great news for you.

He keeps the one who trusts in Him and whose mind is steadfast in Him in perfect and constant peace.

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