Why am i on earth?
The Sun =father and Moon=mother
Man =Sun and woman =moon
In every being the Soul is the Father and the Body is the mother, which is
Father = mind
Body = Heart
Your true being is determine by these two Gods the Sun and the Moon
And it is been found within not outside by business slave chain mentality of head psychopaths zombies called Religion
If you know yourself well you can fight within day and night or physically or mentally(spiritual).
Unmask yourself and face reality with truth and treat each other once again like how we used to be in the olden of our ancestry callings
Don't let artificial nature lost your sour from the body. If the soul is lost from the body, you then become a slave.
Right now anyone who tell you that you are not insane from the slave chain trap of division of his spirit body appearance because of divisional weapon of society mislead Religion, Politics and miseducation.
You need lawyers not liars , Nature the soul within is loyal jux like water, trees, mountains etc not liars from whites rule and leadership, think
. Get heal with humanist life, not vampires mutation curses
Message from Odeneho Kofi Blaq.