Anything That Costs Your Peace is Too Expensive.

in #peace7 years ago (edited)

Life has a lot of obstacles we have everyday. Those obstacles come with full of challenges that will make us fall and get up again; however, there are many things and people that will disrupt your peace and that is something that has to concern you because the consequences are badly.


What does it have to concern you? Because when there is not peace in your life, your physical body begins to change and deteriorate over time. Illnesses come and attack your body and soul in a way some people can't even recover from what is going on in their lives.

I do say this by experience and i think all of us are going through situations where you don't have the necessary peace whatsoever. I do recommend PEACE should always be a priority in your life in order to maintain your holy spirit and body.
With a peaceful mind, body and soul, you are able to feel better about your life in order to attract the good things the world has to offer you in any way, shape or form.

Make peace a priority in order to live a quality of life.

Many blessings to all.

"Take care of your dreams today, so your dreams take care of you tomorrow".
"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".
"Embrace your dream with passion and love, and money will come after you"

Stay blessed.


That is true

You are right @javybar because peace is most Important in humans life. As peace is important in a country or city . Peace is important in body in life then you can make your goals easily . If you haven't peace in life then you will fail in your mission of goal

true statement! Peace is needed everywhere and needed for everyone for our daily lives. If you are having issues getting some peace, there are huge changes to be made in order to get it. Many blessings!

Sure my friend life is full of unions may sometimes make us frustrated and grumbling and when the many of these punishments and obstacles reflected negatively on the mental health and physical person
But life without challenges can make you feel bored

challenges are essential for human growth. If anyone does not feel challenged, then look for more experiences to be challenged. Thank you for your contribution. :)

Peace is mandatory to live healthy life. Peace in life not only give healthy life but also improve your thinking skill. Peaceful mind thinks and do better in life. In developed countries where people live with peace of mind won more medals as compared to undeveloped countries. Thanks for sharing @javybar

You just said it all! "Peace is mandatory to live healthy life". There is no much to discuss, you have it all. Thanks :)

@javybar, That's best encouraging quote indeed awesome motivation article. Life face more troubles until our death. But don't need to get upset with troubles. Troubles gives up more experience our life. In fact peaceful life more important to build up more relationships. Relationships being valuable to succeed. Then we can get more support from them for every big problems when we face sometimes.

i respect always your thought.. . That everything that ruin your peace of mind and body is fatal for you. Yes when we'll take care of our body it will give us positive feedback ans it is good for us.. we should think positive and continute our life with positive attitude to change these challenges into great. thanks to sharing for your good post..@javybar

Having challenges and managing in a peaceful way is the goal of how to deal with them, I appreciate your comment :)

yeah,friend you are a right dear.i am very happy because you appreciate my comment..thank you friend..@javybar

Really good points of view. Every problem brings challenges to our lives. Managing the problems and earning peace at the same time is the best anyone can do. Peace is really needed for our welfare of life. We must have it; otherwise, we die quickly.

I agree positively with you, my friend, at a time when we have problems for different reasons and for different people, we all have to break the chains that bind us and turn to the best that is in ourselves and around us. Only with a kind and peaceful heart, we will overcome the shackles and achieve the embodiment of our dreams! Thank you @javybar

You touched two good aspects to handle challenges, which is kindness and a peaceful heart. If you manage you problems like that, you will definitely handle things easier than others. Keep it up!

I start this conversation with awesome quote. Here it's.

“Living a life fully engaged and full of whimsy and the kind of things that love does is something most people plan to do, but along the way they just kind of forget. Their dreams become one of those “we’ll go there next time” deferrals. The sad thing is, for many there is no “next time” because passing on the chance to cross over is an overall attitude toward life rather than a single decision.” ― Bob Goff

Peace is about being happy in yourself. You are the artist of your own life, make it beautiful. Spend each & every day with peace in your heart and don’t let anything interfere with that. Thank you for sharing best posting @javybar.

Great words and quote my friend. Peace is really about being happy with yourself and others. Managing all issues in a peaceful way is definitely the way to go. Keep these thoughts up.

I totally agreed with your opinions @javybar. Free yourself from negative people, keep your negative thoughts in check and learn from negative situations.Start the process of everything inside of you and in your external environment that stands in your way of knowing the peace, happiness, success, and love. Then you can seek your self brighter way. This is a 100% achieved blogging. Have a great day.

Excellent opinion! Have also a great day my friend. :)

Hola javybar, la paz , es algo bastante dificil de alcanzar , cada dia nos da un reto nuevo que debemos superar .
Pienso como dice su post , que debemos ser muy positivos , ademas pacientes, calmados , para poder pensar friamente que hacer .
Feliz dia javybar :)

Muy bien dicho, la paciencia, la calma y tomar las cosas con buen sentido comun, nos dan mucha paz todos los dias, muchas gracias. Feliz Dia.

I totally agree with your idea @javybar. life is full of obstacles and difficulties because life is a struggle. problems and difficulties will make us more resilient and mature. sad and sad is a must in life. but the most important thing is to feel the peace of mind and body. we can not enjoy life without peace

Every problem brings challenges to our lives. Managing the problems and earning peace at the same time is the best anyone can do. Thank you for your contribution. :)

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