Steemit's broken heart club

in #peace7 years ago

One of the things that I've noticed since I've gotten here just under a year ago is the number of people with broken hearts or really rough stories. I don't know if it's just the writing aspect of this platform or the supportive community or some combination of factors, but I've seen a lot of heartbreak on here.

I've heard stories of financial loss, mental illness, depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, sexual abuse, illness, western medicine induced injury, homelessness, death of close friends and family, and suicidal tendencies. It's tough to read a lot of this, but I'm also really stoked to see people trying to use this platform to heal. I'm equal parts sad to see so many people carrying such tragedy along with them, but I'm also really happy that they have a place to air out their soul injuries. I know I've been remarkably touched by the ourpouring of support for folks going through tough times on more than one occasion.

If you haven't seen it yet there is a thing called spiritscience on the web and there are a bunch of parables that the author created. In the 2 minute video below they talk about how things are neither good nor bad because you don't know what will happen as a result. I've been able to find some peace contemplating this and my own hardships.

This thing has had a profound impact on my thinking on things. Even things as difficult as the early death of my mother could fit into this. You don't know what the long lasting impacts will be. The universe unfolds as it should even when it sucks. It's along the same lines as everything happens for a reason, but it's less about trying to determine the purpose of everything and more just floating as the universe flows past you rapids, eddies, and flow. We're here to learn and experience not necessarily control.

Anyway, I've been thinking about this a lot as I keep meeting more and more people having a hard time. I'll keep sending positive intention in the world for change and hope that my efforts expedite the transition to a world filled with peace, abundance, and liberty. If your soul is hurting know I'll set my intention to spread reiki goodness to all who need it on steemit.

If you have a broken heart and a crushing story I hope you find solace and healing. If you're bottling it up I think you'll find a receptive audience here if you're willing to talk about it positively and openly. Hang in there I guess. World seems to be in a transition state and hopefully before too long we'll have a different path we walk together.




Lovely post and philosophy of life. Something that I have noticed since joining steemit are the number of people here that I can truly learn from. No where else on the internet have I seen so much wisdom. So many teachers - that don't even know they teach. They are just being open, honest and sincere. It's hard to believe I have only been here one month. This platform has already enriched my life and reading posts like this one make me realize that I can't grow as a person emotionally and spiritually unless I belong to a community like this one. I am always grateful to learn. Thank you <3

Solid insight @creativesoul Its the best peer to peer mentorship and accountability program that I know of.

And I'm honored that you chose and choose to hang with MSP. It's a blessing and you're great. Namaste.

Great post- times are indeed tough- saw one of my favorite Uncles this past weekend- very interesting guy- LBJ's lead WH photographer back when photography was really important- anyways I told him the American dream is done- they have fee'd and taxed it to death. He nodded in agreement.

Personally I qualify for more than one on that check off list you wrote but these days I think I do a really great job of living in the now which allows you to jump OUT of the rat wheel and take charge of your own life.

I don't give a flying F- and I believe that's the key- I know what I truly am and how meaningless this production really is- it will play out- I know my role- just living in the NOW.

And as someone else above noted this is a community unlike any I've seen on social media where one can be themselves and be honest- even painfully honest.

it's like a pre-req for true acceptance.

World is in a transition phase now. Peace has become the very big issue here. People have all the big things but peace and harmony are missing.

Taking damage and suffering pain are a part of life that effects everybody. The rain falls on the rich & the poor, the good & the evil. Understanding that nobody can stop the damage from occurring to begin with is the first point of wisdom. When people get hurt, they tend to hurt other people. And, whether its' illness, disease, abuse, or natural disaster - Mother Nature is a mean b!#@h. You can't stop her, a lot of the time. It's a never-ending cycle.

The next point of wisdom is realizing that you can only control yourself, your own reaction to events, and the fact that each person CHOOSES what those events mean, for themselves. Pretending that you do not have a choice is also making a choice - to deny reality.

The final point of wisdom is knowing that, by your own choosing, by your own reactions & behaviors, by deciding which thoughts to entertain and which thoughts to ignore - we are all in control of our own selves, and acting upon this knowledge will determine our ultimate success, or lack thereof.

A man will reap whatever he sows.

The understanding that nothing is either good or bad (in a true sense) can be a very powerful tool for healing. It has also helped me through some rough times, and I work to be grateful for the suffering I experience, because it causes me to be a more compassionate and overall better person.

Some of the stories I've read of people's pasts on Steemit are just... harrowing. It hits me hard, especially the ones having to do with addiction, because I have seen how people's lives can be eaten away by these substances.

I share your vision of Steemit being a conducive place for recuperation and healing, through artistic expression/ sharing life experiences. Since we define the community by our actions and intentions, I am optimistic that we can continue to co-create such a place.

Namaste--- d-pend

Good idea.

I've had a lot of problems during my life, including a broken heart - but I also have a great ability to recover and move on and I've helped a lot of people do the same, so while I could tell me stories of problems - I'm actually in great mental spirits now and don't dwell on the past apart from to remember the good things.

It's easy to find consolation in other peoples stories of their struggles, but I would caution somewhat in getting too comfortable and staying in the negativity as misery loves company and sometimes people are not looking to get better, just to have other unhappy people to commune with.

Very true. My first post was about being a distant father and depression, and although I gained nothing from it financially, I gained some peace with myself and have since written othe 'open' pieces which I feel similar about.

I watched the video and realized that I have read the story before. It is a very philosophical way of looking at what is destined for you, whether good or bad. When I was a kid my mom would tell me "let it pass, something good will also happen"after something bad happened. What she meant was that it was necessary for the negative event to occur as it was so destined, and according to destiny a positive event will follow sooner or later. Life is a balance of good and bad events, according to her.

I firmly believe in the law of attraction, if practiced as defined in the original law. Many people have found variations of the law of attraction with the result that there are various ways that people perceive it to be. Some folks think that just by wishing that they are rich money will fall into their lap. They don't realize that you have to work your way to attract the things that they dream for and it doesn't happen overnight.

I liked the piece that you wrote and will be following you for more. Thanks for useful article!

This is such a beautiful post! I'm so glad I came across this. It is true, we never know what going to happen next and why. It is better for us to go with the flow. Change is one thing that's always constant. Whether it is for worse or for the better. And the sooner we realize that, the better we can equip our minds with. It is thoughtful of you to send Reiki healing waves to all those who need it. Respect.
Bookmarking this post so it can stay fresh in my memory for longer... :)

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