A Steemit-Peace-Mongering-Challenge, 10 Steem for the Winner

in #peace-movement7 years ago

As I wrote in my earlier post:
I would like to find out if we can create a peace-movement within the steemit environment.
As @chieppa1, who is a fellow steemian, a political analyst and podcaster,
(see here: https://steemit.com/politics/@chieppa1/episode-preview-the-voluntary-exchange-podcast-week-of-8-20-2017 )
has told me there are many peace-minded people here on steemit who occasionally post about the topic of war and militarism. And of course there are many truth seekers here who know that war-propaganda is the first and most serviceable tool the war-mongers use to get war going by justifying it for the population who normally wouldn't have the slightest interest in going to war.
However, it has been difficult for me here on steemit to find those posts since they rarely ever reach the trending page and therefor disappear from view as soon as they are dropped from the "new" page.
My intention is to find a way to keep those posts active as long as possible and give them as wide an exposure as possible, and for myself to find some content I consider truly worthwhile my time to read it, as well as my upvotes and resteems.

So the challenge for you, dear steemians today, is to write a well-researched article about mass-media war-propaganda either in general or in a particular case history.

Please, leave the url to your article in the comments below.
All relevant articles will be read, upvoted and resteemed by me, and the one I like best will receive the 10 Steem I promised, but only after at least 15 steemians have posted a relevant article and linked it to this post.
Off-topic articles and spam will of course not be included in the competition.
I will most particularly take those participants most particularly into consideration who have also read, commented on, upvoted and then resteemed the relevant and well-written articles of their fellow participants in the challenge.

I do realize that for most steemians the topic of liberty is of extreme importance.
For me, however, liberty would mean nothing, if I had to live in a war-zone,
nothing if I had to constantly fear that my daughter would be raped or even had to watch when this is done to her,
nothing if my sons would be drafted into a brutal army or a ruthless militia and if they where subsequently killed in action or tortured and executed for refusing to fight,
nothing if I had to live in constant fear that a bomb could drop on my house or on my car while travel with my family
nothing if I had to watch my neighbors being ripped apart by an explosive going off in the market place where I do my shopping for food.
What use would any supposed liberty be to me if snipers would sit above my street on the roof-tops waiting to shoot on anything that moves including my loved ones, and if helicopters would hover above me trying to find a new target to shoot at, and this target was me?

Sure someone could say that we here in the West are also in danger of being killed in terrorist attacks nowadays and we still most certainly don't want to give up our civil liberties for a little bit of security. But any rational person knows that being killed in a terrorist attack is by far less likely than winning the lottery.
There is absolutely no comparison to being in an actual war-zone, believe me I know. I've been to war-zones a twice , if only for a very short time.
There is no liberty without peace,... except, of course, for the psychopaths, who enjoy the ability to rape, torture and murder at will without seeing any consequences to their actions.
And there cannot be peace in the world without the people countering the main-stream war-propaganda.
True lasting peace together with true liberty can never become a reality unless we search diligently for truth and are ready to share what we have found with others.

At this moment in time we are once again stuck in a Cold War between the West and the East, one that might be dangerously close to a hot, nuclear war, just as in the earlier Cold War, more than once both sides had been with the finger already on the red button and just like then it is now:
A tiny miscalculation and this button will be pressed down and you and I might be vaporized in an instant.
This isn't just fear-mongering on my part, once you do a bit of research you'll find scores of exports and even military men themselves telling you exactly that.
We must counter war-mongering with peace-mongering and deescalate the situation any way we can.
We need peace-mongers everywhere, on every platform and in every public space. And we need lots of them. It's urgent.


Please resteem this post.
I will share 80% of any payout equally with all those who resteem the post, regardless of them participating in the challenge or not.


Upvoted and I'll resteem.

I have an older opinion article about the threat of the Neocons taking over the Democratic party. I'll see if I can find a conflict to write about. I have a podcast going up tonight and then I take the weekends off from political posts (mentally draining activity).

I'll also "shout out" this contest in my upcoming posts. I post daily.

thank you so much

have a good weekend, and later on please put the link to the article into the comments

Thanks for linking @chieppa1 . I have followed.

As for this post I have voted and resteemed. I have to think of a particular case now.... There are so many!

Does it necessarily have to be fear pushing for war or fear pushing for any political outcome.

Fear is being used domesticity too.

Also maybe this Comp Cam get some airtime in the PAL discord channel or other Steemit communities?

You can choose yourself. Yes I agree fear is being used domestically as well to artificially create hatred and violence between groups so we ordinary people will be at each others' throat.
And yes, the more promotion we can get the better.

Great idea, Eve! Let's hope for some inspiring entries!

Thank you and I hope so,

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