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RE: Pay It Forward Curation Contest - Week 16 : Extra Attention, Please

in #payitforward7 years ago

oh dear.. I forgot to support yur featured bloggers (you haven't visited all the featured bloggers too, what's up? VP again?) well.. I drain my VP on 9 bloggers already and will wait for another 21 hours to be able to use it again. but, I'll leave my comment on your featured bloggers first and then come back later to upvote.

heeyy.. don't forget to replace me in the meeting tonight, I'll be home before midnight.. this is the serious stage of our Captain situation and you don't have to worry about bothering his wife anymore. will talk to you later about it. Thanks God that I can do my part roaming around steemit while waiting for the owner of the company presents.


Did I? Oohh.. I think running my comment contest have distract me a bit from pifc😯 will soon checking on all of them, soon. You can upvote them tomorrow 😊 you've done a great work, luv👍💖 I knew it's not easy for you to put your comments anywhere.

Just go back to your business now, will do my best to be your representative in the meeting. Hope that it won't take too long, you know... no smoking at Nico's ... hahaha. How come he hold the meeting at his house? Why not at Saung? It's quite cozy place😐 you know.. free wifi access😁 so I can keep steem it on.

well.. how is it going out there? you didn't send me any messages.. was it over? or you still there? I think I'm gonna be late tonight.. don't wait for me if you're sleepy.

Waahh... masf cint, tadi hpnya dipakai bust ngerekam karena malas nyatet, lha ngomongnya berebut dan banyakan canda😊 tapi lumayan lah... yg ikut rapat emak2 semua.. jadi ya gitu😄 panitia ibu2, peserta bapak dan anak.

Uhmm... masih ada masalah dgn keterlibatan remaja mesjid sepertinya, ntar malam rapat rt/rw, cint.

okay, sudah dikirimkan hasil revisi proposalnya ke pak ketua? soalnya tadi dia datang nanyain, buat dibawa ke rapat nanti malam.. makasih ya me, udah bantuin mewakili, mudah2an kegiatannya bisa berjalan lancar. mau ikut rapat nanti malam nggak? rapat RT siy.

anyway... do you know how to sett unnecessary channel notify from discord? itis a bit annoying while I'm away and drain my battery too. do i have to sign out from the channels?

Alhamdulillah, sudah bee. sebelum asar tadi, mudah2an saja memudahkan pak ketua dalam rapat nanti malam, Insya Allah. masih lama jalan2 di kebunnya? nggak usah deh bawa jengki.. nggak mau masakin, kalau singkong boleh.. nanti bisa dibikinkan ongol2 saja. ini ada yang mau diterjemahin lagi nggak postingannya? kalau enggak, biar me kerjakan urusan pehtem aja niyh.

channel mana yang bikin repot? sbi kah? udah pernah me setting, tapi nggak berhasil.. mungkin keluar aja nanti, me punya beberapa channel dan lebih ngerepotin siy, cuma yang paling berisik memang yg satu itu, karena banyak yang aktif dan sedang ahppening banget.

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