Paul, the preacher: Therefore I want you to know that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles
Paul culminated his third missionary trip that concluded in the holy city of Jerusalem, where he was arrested by a riot that took place in the temple of the city. Instigated by his enemies, it is thus that a judicial process began against Paul, and seeing his difficult situation, Paul as a roman citizen exercised his right to appeal to the emperor. Thus, Porcius Festus, the governor of the region, authorized Paul's request: "After Festus had conferred with his council, he declared: ´You have appealed to Caesar. To Caesar you will go!´" Acts 25:12.
It is thus that the last journey related by the book of the acts of the apostles began; the apostle Paul already had a great desire to arrive at the capital of the Roman Empire, since there was an important christian community in the city. After an eventful journey by boat that took him through Cyprus, Crete, and Malta; Paul the preacher par excellence, arrived safe and sound in Rome.
The book of the acts of the apostles does not tell us what he spoke with the emperor upon his arrival, but it does tell us that he was well received by the inhabitants of the city and that he was able to preach the teachings of Jesus with complete freedom, staying two years in the city while his judicial process lasted.
Paul preached with conviction the teachings of our Lord Jesus about the kingdom of God, first to the Jews in Rome, many converted with joy but others did not, so Paul quoted an ancient prophecy of Isaiah (Isaiah 6:9-10) about the people of Israel, and told them that the gospel message was not intended to only to the children of Abraham according to the flesh but also to the children of Abraham according to the spirit; the message of Jesus is a universal message of mercy (compassion, kindness), faith and hope, and especially addressed to all those who with a well-disposed heart fear God: "Therefore I want you to know that God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen!" Acts 28:28.
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