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RE: Patriotism, an Abomination

in #patriotism8 years ago (edited)

I find such ignorance astonishing.

Perhaps the miracle of the American Revolution means nothing to you. Perhaps you despise the freedoms of speech, worship, property, and self defense. Perhaps these things are cheap to one such as yourself.

But to anyone with even a cursory understanding of history, the fact that these things are found anywhere on Earth is nothing short of heart-stopping. I am forever humbled by the sacrifices of men and women who gambled everything to create a truly free country. The people you describe as simply being unhappy about their taxes are people whose boots you are not worthy to lick.

When people celebrate the 4th of July, they honor not only our brilliant founders, not only our men and women in uniform, but the communities where they live. Our farmers, our bus drivers, our school teachers, our neighbors and friends. It's an opportunity to give thanks for all the people who make up our nation (for surely, a nation is nothing more or less than the people who live there).

And I understand that you're trying to be iconoclastic. You want to be the edgy, "cool" kid who doesn't salute the flag. Let me tell you something: that flag will still be inspiring poets, philosophers, and humanitarians when you are nothing but a box of dirt in the ground.

And I understand you will take issue with my posting here. To which I say, do whatever you want to me, but don't presume to think you're righteous enough to judge my country.



...honestly sounds like repeated rhetoric. Like many arguments the more you insist on repeating the more some will believe.
However, the genetic mishap of being born into a nation does have consequences. We all inherit our parent's unresolved psychological issues AND the collective conscience of the society (Nation) we are born into.
Germans perhaps still struggle with their recent history, the Israelis too. The Brits are delusionally clinging on to memories of their colonial past (but perhaps the tide is changing). Americans might feel proud of their role in 20th century history.
The rest about forefathers and taxes are like details in a story book. Do the Italians celebrate Garibaldi as a unifier of the Italian nation? Not really. Nobody really cares.

By the way, before proclaiming how great "freedom of speech" in the U.S. is, make sure you're not talking to someone who was CAGED for a year by the ruling class you swear loyalty to, for the sin of SAYING THINGS the feds didn't want said.

Before the Nazi flag was waved, the German flag had to be ousted, and books burned. Be careful what you wish for! The flag you burn today could be replaced by the equivalent of a swastika. Then, with G-d's help I would be a Bonhoeffer. Let's hope it never comes to that!

You are nothing.

Translation: "You upset me with your facts. I can't refute them or explain their relevance because I am overwhelmed by emotion."

Here's a fact: American patriots destroyed Nazism, liberated the prisoners of concentration camps, and freed Europe from totalitarian rule.

If you can still call patriotism an "abomination" after that, then my assessment is true: you are nothing. Go cry to someone else, gnat.

Here is a fact: Nazi Germany was largely funded and supported by American businessmen and bankers. Otherwise, there would have been no WW2

Your tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory is noted.

Absolutely correct and my fellow country men/women still believe this crap that Germany started 2 world wars where in fact the globalist cabal had their money and fingers in both of them. The winners always dictate the history narrative and this is a very persistent one.

He's an apostate from your religion, which is why you can't just click on something else and go about your day.

Your hallucination is noted.

Truly Free you are not.

THANK YOU!!!! As a PROUD Marine Corps wife, I was disgusted at this person's post. When that person said that our Flag means horrible things to children in foreign countries, that just goes to show how truly uneducated the author of that post REALLY is. It's people like that who believe everything mainstream media puts out there, when in reality they NEVER ONCE report about all the great things our men and women in uniform have done and continue to do. They NEVER report how greatful the people of those foreign countries are to have our military's support and defense from true terrorists. It's because of our four fathers and those who serve today that idiots like that use and abuse not only their freedom of speech, but take all their freedoms for granted. I usually remind people who have such reservations about their country, they are free to leave any time. If they're not happy with where they're at, they can pack their $h!+ and find somewhere else to call home. I could go on and on about all the uneducated statements in the previous post, but I'll close with this. I try not to be too political on my page, I try to keep things fun and lite, but your comment deserves a huge thank you! Hope you check out my page and know that because of your response to this ridiculous post, I've decided to follow your page. HAPPY 4th OF JULY MY FELLOW AMERICAN!
~Dive Diva

Most Decorated Marine, two time Medal of Honor, General Smedly Butler would disagree. Many Infantry would also.

And much more dead innocent citizens would disagree too.

Guess why overseas terrorism was born?

Such ignorance. Do you know why the Marines were created? Do you know where the term "Leather-neck" came from? The Marines were formed to protect trade ships from Muslim nations that captured the ships and demanded ransom for them. At first we paid, but the ransom that they were demanding grew higher, and so we formed the marines. The term "Leather-neck" comes from the thick strip of leather that the marines wore around their necks to prevent their heads from being cut off by these barbaric TERRORIST.

Don't pretend to know shit about history. You don't. The west did not create terrorism. How fucking stupid do you need to be in order to blame the west for a Shiite Muslim strapping on a suicide vest and killing 300 Sunni Muslims? They kill each-other more than anyone else, so take your stupid ass ignorant "The west has created terrorism and the world would be peaceful if not for us" mentality and shove it up your ass.

First of all Thank you for civilized reply friend.

I didn't imply that the west created terrorism in anyway or another but for every action there's a reaction simple maths in basic human natures (and in which I don't support) I hate terrorism and the fact that the media has gotten through times and times again of repeating nonsense that terrorism is just an act done by radical Muslims gets on my nerves so much. Terrorism nowadays has this single stupid look of a bearded guy and bombs strapped around his waist. But what really is terrorism? If you check the dictionary or even Google the term this is what you'll get "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." That term only is enough to think about it just take a deep breath, get over the hate and anger planted and forced down upon you by dictators and regimes who's only concern is to spread hate and war between human beings for their own well being.

PS I'm a practicing Muslim with the number 1 terrorist name and what you stated about Marines and Muslim nations is just hoax.
As for Shiite and Sunni well it's been a while since any terror acts happened between them

Peace, love and Freedom


"how greatful the people of those foreign countries are to have our military's support and defense from true terrorists" wtf?

You really should rethink the reasons for your husband being in a foreign nation. None of what he did was in defense of America.

Why don't you travel to Syria and Iraq and say hello to all the war victims that great US has brought "democracy" to. I am sure they appreciate this kind of generous help to completely destroy their countries because a self-proclaimed hegemony wants to destabilize an entire region and thanks to that we are now welcoming millions of refugees in Europe. Thank you US army, navy etc. Keep up the "great work" of destroying this planet with lies, deceit and murder under the disguise of "democracy" where have you ever brought democracy to?????????????

America isn't the only country out there that's free and has to go out killing people for reasons the corrupt media tells u. I mean i dont see Canada going off and bombing places, and you can have freedom without a central intelligence agency monitoring everything u do, say, go, etc.

there's no reason great people shouldn't be celebrated, soldiers, workers, etc. but America is no longer of the people, by the people, or for the people. It's controlled and manipulated by very rich people, like the Clintons, like trump, like Rupert Murdoch the owner of fox news, etc.

America is a great land but i think it needs a reformation to have the credit you're giving it

I don't think that a large group of people can be governed well, only small communities can provide fair governance, in my opinion.

Actually Canada pretty much follows both the Great Britain and US party line, after all we are their biggest trade partner. They have a long history of being involved in wars. Check out their wars here:

thanks for correcting me, I had no idea, I guess I was wrong to assume they were substantially more peaceful.
i'm hoping there are free countries out there that get by without partaking in wars often.

"Perhaps you despise the freedoms of speech" he doesn't at all, but I can tell you are about to despise his ideas because he is using his speech to freely express them.

I love how people like you can bash the people that critic this country but won't say ANYTHING about the specific people that are actually corrupt and a complete disgrace to the memory of those that gave their lives. Truth tellers are not our foe, corrupt politicians are. Americans are not free, their economy is entirely manipulated by the central bank interest rate which controls the value of the dollar.

Americans are the most free people in history. And love of country is no abomination.

Now you're just being delusional. The U.S. is not the most free country in the world, not economically, not socially, not by any measure. And it is infinitely LESS free than the American colonies were under King George III, in 1776. Again, more FACT and less MYTHOLOGY would change how you see the world.

As free as the natives that they enslaved and killed?

I can't even go fishing 1 day out of the year without having to pay $30 for a license

Tell that to the multigenerational concentration camps in North Korea.

Taxes and regulations may be onerous, or even unjust, but they don't mean that this is not a free country.

i'm not saying fighting evil is bad, but fighting evil to sustain evil is.

they use causes aginst evils to justify their evils

Did the Germans once express an exceptional love of their nation?

The vast majority of people that died for this country did so for oil, conquest, political gain. Get a grip, your nothing more then a slave to the oligarchy. An oligarchy that clothes itself in the garments of patriotism and nationalism

that's really not true at all. the people that want oil conquest and political gain aren't the ones dying for it. they're manipulating people into doing it. I do not blame soldiers for war or anything, and I do think they kill bad guys sometimes, but the ones to blame are the ones at the top that send those people over seas.

Every unlawful order followed is the soldiers fault. Each and every time. Each unlawful order an officer follows is the officer's fault, each and every time. It's not the people at the top that kill anyone, it's those that are pulling the trigger who's doing the killing, and a lot of them know it, that's why they signed up, to be killers.

you have a good point, I was typing something like "it's not their fault they're easily manipulated" but stopped haha, because when you put that into other scenarios and what not it doesn't seem right and I realized I was giving people more credit because America is where I'm from.

but I also think about terrosists, those are bad people, killing them is a good thing, but whats not easily factored in is that our own government created those terrorist groups and stuff so idk

it's a hard line for me to define, I hope that doesnt make me seem blind but rather cautious about the views I form. i'm thinking things out in a very similar way to you

but I also think about terrosists, those are bad people,

If someone forces you to blow yourself up or they murder all of your relatives in a slow torturous way, and you believe this, or know this, then are you a bad person?

If someone is mentally weak, if someone is implanted behavioral programing or even worse remote controlled, are they a bad person?

If someone blows scopalnamine in someone's face or inhibits someone's judgement and self control through drugs/alcohol, and they do some horrible thing, are they a bad person?

If someone actively fights the state and it's aggressors, of all ranks and files, are they a bad person?

are you just stating scenarios to encourage my mind to work through and find insight?

that's how it feels

definitely following you, it's great to come across a person that thinks.

In basic training in 1989, we had a whole class on following illegal orders and Nuremburg was heavily discussed. It is the soldier's responsibility to disobey if he believes an order is illegal.

If I get conned, it's partly my fault. I am responsible for my ignorance and my mistaken decisions. When the invasion of 'Nam was seen by enough people to be a mistake, the war ended. As long as enough people blindly support their rulers (so-called reps) their will be blood.

Although I disagree with the American foreign policy proceeding the Korean War(i.e. Vietnam, Iraq) the US did play a crucial role in preventing a further holocaust in WW2 and also keeping the people of South Korea free. Many great men have committed the ultimate sacrifice for something they believe in. For you to say the vast majority died for oil or conquest is entirely inaccurate. I would also argue that patriotism and nationalism is a rebellion against oligarchy. The true oligarchy is the United Nations, the Counsel on Foreign Relations, the international monetary fund, Bilderberg etc.....They want a one world government which people that post things against things such as nationalism seem to support.

1 - Before you cheer too proudly about Hitler being defeated (which was mostly accomplished by Russia, not the U.S.), you might want to keep in mind that World War II ended with the Allies basically giving the second worst mass murder in history (Stalin) half of Europe.

2 - To argue about nationalism versus globalism is only arguing over the SIZE of the save plantation. Either way you are not arguing for freedom.

What is freedom for you?

American imperialism is at least 120 years old. Ask people in the Philippines - they too fought a war of independence.

I mark the beginning of the US Empire at the invasion by the Northern states into the Confederacy. This was a denial of state sovereignty and their right to secede. Lincoln justified this aggression with his imperialistic ambition for control of all states, all the time, as if "Union" was more important than anything else. He didn't say why. He just proclaimed it. He assumed the power to do so, just as he assumed the power to free the slaves. If the president is vested with such power, the president can one day reverse it. How is that power less than a king's? Doesn't freedom come from our humanity, not from the dictate of a ruler? If so, no dictate is needed or necessary to free slaves. They only need to exercise that freedom, if they chose. Freedom/slavery begin in the mind, not with some dictate.

There is no right to secede.

"Freedom/slavery begin in the mind, not some dictate."..........Tell that to the women and children being trafficked in third world countries. No matter how hard they try in their mind to be free, they are still slaves. Mind power only gets you so far. Freedom and slavery are a paradox. If freedom equals sexual liberty than you are a slave to your sexual desires. If freedom to you equals financial freedeom(money) than you are a slave to money. If freedom to you means being able to say whatever/whenever than you are a slave to pride. To me true freedom is not being able to do whatever you want whenever you want. True freedom is living in accordance with the Creator.

And you're a buffoon who spews talking points.

Get over yourself.

You nailed it Mr Horne; See the ranking of such idiotic dogma? Is it reasonable? Absolutely not, but profitable maybe. Best not to feed pearls to the swine who have no appreciation in what real value truly is... For many it is just a job...

Pearls to swine is Two Time Medal of Honor, most decorated Marine General Smedley Butler, who wrote about his experience: War Is A Racket.

It would be kind of narrow minded to think that all of anything can be categorized in one way or the other don't you think Mr baah?
"war is a racket" as in every war fo every kind? I doubt that...

Instead of putting words into my mouth, the person that jumped onto the Ad Hominem to gang up with the first attacker and defend the attacker (despicable acts, from despicable narrow minded assholes), read what it says again: WAR IS A RACKET. Does it say "Every kind of war is a racket". I doubt that...

The mark of a truly critical self thinker is OMITTING using or relying on ellipsis/omison and instead of the fallacious "Draw your own conclusion" the ... begs, they chose to make a complete thought, a critical argument, and make it SHARP, and not blunt and dumb bell like, but swift and to the point, like sWords, practicing precise, and specifics instead of TALKING POINTS (lolololol).

Ah so you expect everyone to be able to read between the lines of what you write? I thought you might be a man who means what he says, sorry...

No, I expect people to read what I wrote, and not read into what I wrote, or in between what I wrote, which is the definition of meaning what you say.

I have no doubt that you meant to say I am not a man by your ... Omission and Draw your own conclusion fallacy, there's no reading in between the lines, it's an ad hominem seeking to divert the conversation from War Is A Racket being pearls before the swine, exactly as demonstrated by your inability to swallow one mans experience without seeking to pull it apart or distort it somehow, and otherwise inability to appreciate it.

Pearls before swine. (Which is another ad hominem, responding with support to a previous one, except here and now it's not, because it has been demonstrated as true, and the subject of discussion as well)

The mark of a truly critical self thinker is OMITTING using or relying on ellipsis/omison and instead of the fallacious "Draw your own conclusion" the ... begs, they chose to make a complete thought, a critical argument, and make it SHARP, and not blunt and dumb bell like, but swift and to the point, like sWords, practicing precise, and specifics instead of TALKING POINTS (lolololol).

You nailed it Mr Horne;

No why or how, just agreement that the ad hominem was justified, the lowest scum of the lowest scum.

See the ranking of such idiotic dogma?

Complex question fallacy, best responded with a question questioning the premise of the loaded question fallacy: So what's your point?

Is it reasonable? Absolutely not, but profitable maybe.

Rhetorical device which doesn't answer how or why, instead it only begs the question which it answers without critical thought, devoid of reason or method for concluding it's not reasonable (ironic).

Best not to feed pearls to the swine who have no appreciation in what real value truly is... For many it is just a job...

"..." or ellipsis is an Omission. Because of that it intentionally foregoes the formation of a complete thought, and simply implies one and only conclusion, effectively forcing people to read between the lines instead of expressing what it omits, such argument is always begging for a certain conclusion and because of that function it's the equivalent of draw your own conclusion fallacy, regardless that the thought itself is a sweeping remark about people, thus the fallacy of stereotyping/pigeonholing.

Indeed, turn all that around and direct it at the original post of deformation in "Patriotism" and you will have a very conclusive point...

The subject isn't the article itself, I brought up that to exemplify your actions, to weigh your words and question your conclusion, the subject is your actions in response to the actions of others.

The use of ellipsis/omission was used to say the conversation is not closed...
By the way was your reply about war in general being a racket somewhat a fallacy in stereotyping?

Nobody said anything about War In General Being A Racket. Do you have a problem with the phrase War is a racket, I mentioned that you're swine and I'm pelting you with pearls, you cannot appreciate it, just as you cannot close a sentence or finish a thought, and so to answer your question, you can stereotype people, but not events, or objects, you can only typecast and pigeonhole individuals.

The use of ellipsis/omission was used to say the conversation is not closed...

Omission is used to NOT SAY something. Instead of relying on people interpreting your omissions and effectively CLOSING THE CONVERSATION, maybe make your thought clear, concise, and conclusive, or COMPLETE.

I used ellipsis/omission to IMPLY the conversation was not closed.

That wasn't hard, it takes a little effort to be specific and correct, to mean what you say, and say what you mean.

Why do you need to say/imply that the conversation is not closed, ever? Are you saying that if someone replies back you will reply back to them or what is the motive for saying that, and how does that communicate that the conversation isn't over?

That's an amusing comment, since your entire original comment was a recitation of self-contradictory, emotional nationalistic mythology you've been taught all your life.

Your cognitive dissonance is noted.

Well, thanks for giving such a clear example (albeit by accident) of the profound confusion that "patriotism" creates. You are obviously angry at me for not bowing to the political class whose flag you wave. You then jumble together the people who resisted British rule with the people who more recently have acted as global aggressors for the U.S. politicians, as if what they do has anything at all to do with "protecting our freedom." By the way, the "Founders" consisted of several nearly principled individuals like Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, and Thomas Jefferson (though all had their flaws), a long with a bunch of opportunistic politicians who betrayed and destroyed the ideas expressed by those three (and others). If you want to unravel the truth, from the mythology you were taught, you can start here:

You compared people waving the American flag today to those people who waved the Nazi flag during WW2, as if there were some kind of equivalency there.

Apparently, you never learned that the people who broke open the concentration camps and freed the prisoners there wore the American flag, and waved it, too. Any comparisons between these saviors of men and the monsters they fought is a false equivalency of the most egregious kind.

You are unworthy to breathe the same air as the people you decry. Patriots have been some of the most remarkable people in history.

Ben Franklin was the man who tamed lightning.

George Washington was one of the greatest tactical minds in history.

Thomas Jefferson was a writer without equal.

Yet you would dismiss all these as simply men who were unhappy about their taxes.

Perhaps we should try to hold your achievements up against theirs, and see how the scales of history judge.

Again, you could use more actual information and less mythology. Franklin, Jefferson and Washington all OPPOSED the existence of the standing army you now worship. But you are simply reacting emotionally to feelings your rulers trained you to feel, lashing out at those who actually advocate freedom and justice. As Voltaire put it, "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."


This is my country as much as it is yours. maybe more and the truth of the 4th being Independence Day is hypocritical, we should celebrate the birth of this nation but don't try to lie to the world about independence. Our armed forces have been mostly used for protecting rich peoples monies and property.seeing that our soldiers are paid to defy the thou shalt not kill commandment even flies in the face of Xhristianity.
Juneteenth is a truer Independence Day seeing the kidnaped African slaves in American had been freed (all people actually). Now freedom is being free so if one third (est) of a population was truly free how can we truly have Independence. Only a privilege class couldn't see this reality.


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