My Videos Are Starting to Get Demonetized
I know this is happening to a lot of people, and I hate to have to shill myself, but it seems to be the only way to go. I only need the money to get a new mic (and maybe when I start showing my face, a new camera), so hopefully this won’t be a problem for long. Just bear with me until this is over. Any help will be majorly appreciated.
My Previous Video:
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Check out my forum, Trans Without Politics:
My transmedicalist forum is temporarily closed, sorry about that. I will post a new invite link when it reopens.
Intro song (Born of a Broken Man by RATM):
Outro song (Calm Like a Bomb by RATM):
I have a Facebook, a Minds, a Twitter, and a AskFM, my accounts are here if you want to message me:
I don’t own anything, this is for entertainment and criticism purposes only, blah blah blah, DMCA shit, blah blah blah, you know the drill.