Patientory is not a scam!! Debunking misconceptions.

in #patientory8 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

I am here once and for all debunking the logical fallacies surrounding patientory.

You guys can watch this video of a person trying to demonize Patientory with a riddle of logical fallacies and preconceptions.

My response in chronological order.

The guy is:

You make some assumption fallacies. Like creating a cognitive distortion about the personas and entities within the business. Thinking that she is a scam artist, charlatan with sociopathic traits. I also start with thinking she is a charlatan but the most patterns I recognize of her and their team behaviors the more I can read their true psychology on freudian level too. Which seems that she most probably has a good intent and not a pernicious one.

1, Why should they have nodes on a private network that got blockchain technology???
Well, tbh I don't see how it also can be public... Though maybe she doesn't have a full understanding yet, or we don't know what she wants to do. Maybe she wants to monopolize the market....

  1. You make a lot of arguments without backing it up with actual proper reasoning.

  2. The reason why she wants you to buy PTOY tokens is because that is how she dominates the industry, just like STEEM and a dozen of other big companies who seemingly request buying useless tokens or currencies. Its just part of the business model. Get used to it. Buying PTOY token is buying a brand, is buying a currency like the Yen, Euro or Dollar. Why the fuck do I need to put money on different 10 accounts in 10 different currencies.... Your preconceptions demonstrated how self-deceived you are.

  3. You have questions because your not smart enough to think long term, no you have distrust issues, without really being objective and neutral, you build a preconceived idea full with lies and fallacies.

  4. There is enough evidence that she has a team.

  5. The fact you imply she wrote an angry and contemptuous response back to people asking questions, shows you are a racist bigot. You have no evidence to support your conclusion. You just ride on a wave of preconceptions and false premises.

  6. Answers creating more questions
    1.1 First off most ICO's if not all of them have to some extend an incomplete understanding of the functions and mechanism of the business. It is a trial and error process. If I reviewed her interview, she has a high quality of standard, and sufficient understanding and equipment to do the work. Being overly harsh and skeptic leads to your own bias and vicious cycle of self-deception.
    1.2 Repeating I having more answers than questions, doesn't validate any justification, just your way of saying that you don't fully understand the project.

  7. Expecting perfection or fullproof system is overexaggerating it. She has a clear motive and vision to where she wants to go.

  8. Selling a fake news story with implicit fallacies is lame.

  9. You don't see something. Than don't back up your claims with proper argumentations. Just rambling from your gut.

  10. Why not first filtering out your logical fallacies before making assumptions, and building an architect of assumptions telling a wrong story and then share it out.

  11. Having a high intolerance level to mistakes is also being unrealistic and unnecessary harsh. There is not even one shred of evidence supporting her company has ill will or that she is overly incompetent or misinformed.

  12. The value proposition is that you don't give proper argumentation why it isn't a value proposition maybe?

  13. Next to it you lie about members not having linkedin profiles with Patientory in it. There are highly reputable people like Jesse Brown who put their head on the line to make this company work.... ?

So this was it for me. If you have any remarks, questions or counterarguments.. Feel free to comment and start a discussion.

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An Important Note for All PTOY Token Holders

In the security review portion of his audit, the PTOY token auditor advised us to implement an attack mitigation code on the PTOY token contract. This mitigation code was preventative in nature (no issues were found with the PTOY token itself).

Unfortunately, this resulted in a bug that rendered tokens contained in multi-sig wallets non-transferable. Our crowdsale partner has begun work with the audit team on a fix (creating an upgraded token). Token holders will need to complete a simple upgrade process, and we will send out instructions at a future date. All token holders will be asked to complete the upgrade, and multi-sig users will be able to transfer PTOY to/from their wallet.

In total, not much is changing. Here’s what this means for you:

You can still buy and sell PTOY at the exchanges.
PTOY will not be transferred to your wallet until June 26.
You will be asked to complete a simple upgrade process. Instructions will be sent by June 26.
If you participated in the crowdsale bounty campaign, you will not receive your PTOY until June 26.

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