Sounding the alarm on fatal vaccine injuries.
A German Newspaper has reported that the chief pathologist of the University of Heidelberg finds that in as much as 40% of his autopsies the cause of death was the Covid-19 “vaccinations”. He dared to voice his opinion that deaths from these injections are very underreported.
The regional daily Augsburger Allgemeine reported:
“Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the Delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.”
In the USA, VAERS is known to report only 10% of vaccine injuries at most and (if Harvard's 2010 study is accurate) may well be reporting as little as 1% of injuries. The same problem applies to the European Medicines Agency. So it is quite certain that Dr Schirmacher is right. And I say this as a man whose nearest friends and family have taken the jabs. I am reassured that so far my family members have had no bad effects, which places them in the majority of those who have taken the injections – so far. But that doesn’t releave my worries even for them since I don’t know how many of my loved ones have taken the second jab or even the first. All except for one young relative who angrily rejected my criticism and declared her intention to get jabbed, they won’t even talk to me about it. I’m alone on the other side of the barricades.
I have had to realize that the community of critics to which I belong is very small and ineffective in the face of the global media and science behemoth driving the great majority of people down the chutes to a deadly conformity. I can have no reasonable doubt that once again the fate of humanity is in the hands of God because reason failed us, our institutions failed us. It is possible that humanity faces decimation not by an act of God but by an act of mass murder, murder by the guided hand of the victims themselves. Our governments are participating in this murder-suicide.
The Robert Koch Institute meanwhile refers to the regular safety reports of the Paul Ehrlich Institute on its website. However, should it become apparent in the coming weeks that politics, science and the media are campaigning against Schirmacher and his alarming results are being completely ignored, it would be another red flag regarding the safety of the products.
The Paul Ehrlich Institute is issuing safety reports on its website? Such a funny joke. Paul Ehrlich, the darling of the Club of Rome who wrote The Population Bomb with the sponsorship of the Club of Rome to popularize the idea that "overpopulation" would cause famine even in developed countries by the 1990s or earlier unless several billion people could somehow disappear or not be born, has his name applied to an institution pretending to care about people’s safety. And they say irony has died.
It seems the legacy of Paul Ehrlich lives on in his institution and now a means of depopulating the world has been found by The Science. All the computer generated fraudulence about "Climate Crisis" wasn't good enough to kill people but now that we have people rushing to get lethal “Vaccinations" for a disease no more deadly than the flu the Overpopulation problem has been solved.