mRNA vaccine death coverups are real.

in #pathocracy4 years ago


A post mortem has been performed on a previously healthy 86 year old man who died of massive organ failure four weeks after his first “dose” of an mRNA Covid “vaccine”. Here are the highlights of this study:

We report on a patient with a single dose of vaccine against SARS-CoV-2.

He developed relevant serum titer levels but died 4 weeks later.

By postmortem molecular mapping, we found viral RNA in nearly all organs examined.

However, we did not observe any characteristic morphological features of COVID-19.

Immunogenicity might be elicited, while sterile immunity was not established.

“Sterile Immunity was not established”? This is what these people have the gall to say? I think I can cut the bafflegab. This injection gave this man “viral RNA”! What would be the nature of what the post-mortem PCR assay found which they call “viral RNA”? Would that be the spike proteins which the mRNA injection caused his cells to produce just as it was designed to do? The mRNA in this injection went into his bloodstream and, together with the deadly and corrosive Spike Proteins already manufactured at the injection site, found its way into all the organs of his body and started turning his cells into Spike Protein factories just exactly as it had been designed to do.

It has been recently revealed that Pfizer conducted research undercover in Japan which a Canadian virologist managed to obtain. This Pfizer research found that their mRNA and the Spike Proteins it causes to be manufactured does not stay at the injection site. It gets into the blood stream and goes all over the body where it plays hell. This result somehow comes as a shock to virologists. Apparently they are surprised that the human blood stream actually functions.

The compartmentalization and institutional corruption of modern science causes a very good approximation of stupidity? Is that what this study is demonstrating?

I’m going to call it like I see it:

This 86 year old man had been perfectly healthy then he submitted to being jabbed with mRNA. And it coursed all through his body and made a blizzard of Spike Proteins that killed him.

This diabolical poison is what the governments of Canada want 80% of our people including kids as young as 12 and pregnant and child-bearing-age women – like my granddaughters! – to put into their bodies!! The politicians of my country are enforcing and forcing and blackmailing and misleading our people for the sake of THEIR STINKING POLITICAL CAREERS!!

Would the top echelon of our politicians be describable as a Pathocracy? A Pathocracy is a government wherein positions of decisive power and influence are occupied by people with personality disorders, especially psychopathy. Who else but a psychopath would continue to prosecute the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injection program now that the deadly consequences of these experimental injections are being broadcast even by the CDC’s VAERS reporting system? At least 50,000 Americans have been injured including at least 4000 Americans who have died after being “dosed” with these injections. More likely, given VAERS well known extreme underestimation of vaccine injuries, that death toll is probably closer to between 50,000 and half a million deaths.

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