RE: The Pastor Al Chronicles, March 16, 2018
Every evil is a spiritual problem! The church needs to get back to rhe basics of living holy seperate lives. Being in the world and not of the world. Being salt and light required being different. Back to basics of prayer, trevalng in prayer until we see the answer. Speaking the truth in love. When the Early church preached there was either revival or a riot. Most of the times both.
People so uptight about the AC and padded pews and million dollar sound systems and all the programs. When we are supposed to ne outside winning the lost at every cost. The Pastor, many times, has on his mind the church mortgage instead of the sin in the house. Fear of someone leaving and taking their giving somewhere else.
Abortion could be defeated if God’s Holy people would truly pray.
Pray and work!
Jeremiah 22:16-17.