Passive income the Real truth!

in #passive7 years ago

Hi Steemit friends,

So if you are like I am wanting to quit your 9-5 job passive income is the way to go right?

As many of others I have been trying alot of different things to earn money and especially passive income...But the REAL truth is not as the picture below it is something totally different, some might get lucky but overall it requires hard work.

As Gary Vaunerchuk says you have 16hours a day that you are in control of dont spend your time watching House of Cards...get shit done!! I just love the attitude because it is so spot on...generally we are lazy and expect that we would lay on the beach but passive income requires hard work to set it up and maintain it.

So the question is are you motivated enough to but the down the work needed to get to financial freedom?

Below is a video of Gary Vaynerchuk telling what passive income is

So how am I setting up for passive income, well mainly I started investing in crypto over 2 years ago and my prtfolio went up over 1700% which is huge! As you all know we are in a bear market and have been for awhile now...

Alot of cryptos have lost about 80-90% of the cash they collected during ICO but some of the cryptos have been smart and exchanged the collected ETH, BTC or other cryptos to fiat money and maintain the cash that were collected.

So what companies am I invested in?

Below i list the ones that I think have a great chance of success, or what do you think?

  • Spectre The Worlds first brokerlessfinancial trading platform website:
    Platform is Live and they pay weekly dividends in ETH

  • Paypie Risk Assessment For Affordable Funding
    Not Live yet, working with regulatory to release the platform, already partnered with Quickbooks and Debitum
    Network also in discussions with one of the wolrds biggest insurance companies.

  • Debitum Network is a lending platform that will connect small businesses, investors and service providers in a single
    ecosystem. The platform will be decentralized as no process will be controlled by central authority.
    Launch of platform 3rd of September in London, big event.

  • Populous It is a global invoice trading platform built on Blockchain's distributed ledger technology.
    Live, invest in invoices

  • Restart Energy We put energy in your hands, Start your own power utility franchise with MWAT
    Not Live yet, Platform launch mid september, alot of franchises already, ahead of schedule

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Have a great day!

Best regards,


the real lie...
there are peoples that have to work, maybe 10% of the world can live from passive income...

So true alot of people onine sell you the passive income dream and the buyer thinks the money will come of itself without will require still alot of work...the person have to decide what they want to do in life and build their dream according to what makes them happy and content.

Sometimes it's lucky but you need someone to drive a truck and one to be a cashier in the supermarket.
Simple and healthy logic

Coins mentioned in post:

CoinPrice (USD)📈 24h📈 7d
MWATRestart Energy MWAT0.028$-1.02%7.81%

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.13
TRX 0.24
JST 0.032
BTC 83868.39
ETH 2101.34
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.63