And thus in the year of our election 2019
After talking to the walls for over an hour because "it" woke me up at half past seven ...
After coming back from the doc who told me i ain't dead yet (sorry for that ... ) we just have to but i might add, i don't wanna discredit the PP , but seeing as it's two weeks from now and it's a party that isnt even established here which doesn't even have enough support to do it in this here gravelpits province (which is what i wanted to confirm with the mail so i know if i even have to bother opening the papers) - it's really bad practice to not respond . I know it's not Obama-stration but that doesn't mean you can't hold a candle to that ... besides, excuses like "not enough time" or "understaffed" if you CHOSE to be in a position to be chosen in order to represent makes really bad impressions ...
And when i say "maybe Julia should kick them for being slowpokes" that is my assumption that if you were to pick all pirates in the world (its what its called, its a lulz on the side i guess "im a pirate in the EU-p" it says there btw last time i checked on the frontline activisto's page (government page) i think everyone would AGREE ms. J.R. "is" by far the most qualified to take pole position, see ... and i hope it stays, the internal powerstruggles are not like the classics , its a very NEW party, its barely even a party out of "movement" status so there's has to be no debate if someone is simple the best for the place ... i'd do a poll but i'm afraid my phone credit would run out. It's my sincere conviction though that opinion would be shared, that's on sheer presence and achievement then.
DO CORRECT ME IF i'm wrong, Julia, and don't be modest :p
and if i use #fsociety i'm sure that leads to allegations while it's me being nice for once avoiding your favourite fourletterword (or maybe too lazy to type the other three letters). Yes, i opened fudbook again, no that doesn't mean i'm suddenly gonna be an active member of localville "again"... i actually never was, never had like a gf here from here, never "went out" here , like ... its like i never had a social life in my birth town where my family is rooted for at least five generations (which i think should finally allow me to get out of it ... but it won't let me for some reason)
Go to the poor man's market ... TOTAL renovation, ofcourse some personnel had to go, they work with less people afaik and just like taxes NEVER rise before an election ... of all the selected products they chose to up a bit (as 1 million sold on a small pricechange is a lot of dough and no one really notices ... i ask my parents, they basically have no clue, the just come home with bags and bags and complain how expensive life is lol) of all the products they upped IT HAD TO BE THE TUNA !
lots of plans here all around, lots of concrete but not really any concrete plan or certainly result ...
The lewt ... a selection maggie "the iron lady" thatcher would have been proud of, i think ... at least she knew what the price of milk and tuna was ... broken down : to the left : mister Cat : 9euros, to the right Cat Cat : 6 euros, that's gonna have to last at least a week at 5 euros a day
Yes, my math is right : doctor , meds ... yes it's WAY right ... on spot like totally .. broken down ... your good amount of pasta and a kilo of rice : does not spoil ... potatoes : cheap and holds vitamins yet spoils ... a loaf of cheap luxury bread as im done for today since i woke up too early and i was basically done when i woke up, i dont feel like baking one and im almost out of flour as well ... one kilo of rice and
HAM ! .... (i seriously need some tostis for my tosti addiction or i might lose it .... wurda cheeze?)
And well :
Defender of the realm : professional tuna-taster since 2004 ... (i think ... those days werent too sharp) ... yes, the tuna is mostly for the cat ... i had to eat canned tuna with rice for months once ... i told myself back then ...
if anyone has an issue with that in the name of what about the children or something, your opinion is noted
and discarded , .... Cat is Cat ... and that is that ... we've been together for 1/3 of my life here ... which
let me tell you would not help for blackmail b/c i couldnt give in to that even if it would destroy me ... and it WILL destroy me when i lose him ... i have no clue what will rise from those ashes ...
there we are, a positive note to end with ... now ... i has a content that does not save the world but
i never said i wanted to save "the world" ... you say man of the people i ask you
"the" people or your people ? it's usually the latter ...
Yes, i do invite the "see!"-people to draw little red circles around the lack of alcohol and the relativise it by saying its either all or nothing and in a way it is, but if i don't touch a drop for four months no one bothers to say anything and if i do a few times it's all over. And i keep saying, i just do that, it's not some 12step points thing with badges, ive been addicted to worse and i KNOW i'm not - why do i get defensive ?
hm you're right, because its annoying ... but when i do i DO, i don't like drinking one beer - i don't see the point in that , in that case a coke would be a lot better - ... somehow it does not compute since they say it's all or nothing but they need it to be ?
I don't know why they bother, i'm not in their fridges either but you know ... stayinyourplace peasant with no paper on the wall or in -llet talks like he knows and you need something to bring that down ?
I don't know (<- favourite answer in the universe) ... i'm gonna call it a day, feed my dino's , peel some taters, eat and tonight try to implement to particles for the - lorescroll i rendered last night still -pickup, add the blender file the to the chest on opengameart and do whatever i can on "the game" ...
i really wanna do that game ... its like
as a kid kid i wanted to be an astronaut or inventor but i also wanted to make a game once when i had that old trusty c64 ...
Defiance is a means, not an end ...just another axiom of Catlawick
and ...
are we #funny yet ?
never mind ...
no that's from somewhere on 9gag, DUDE cant you see that's not my cat ?
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