Rural Agriculture Business; Rice Refinery.

in #partiko6 years ago

The development of technology provides a variety of conveniences. Technological developments also provide business opportunities, especially for people quickly adopt innovation. This gives them new business opportunities.

Perkembangan teknologi memberikan berbagai kemudahan. Perkembangan teknologi juga memberikan peluang usaha, terutama bagi orang-orang cepat mengadopsi inovasi. Kondisi ini memberikan mereka peluang usaha baru.

The business of roving rice mill in the countryside has been done a lot. This business provides many business opportunities for the community. Besides the capital is not too big (about 40 millions), this technology is also simple and easy to operate. To operate this technology, there is no need for special schools, but just look at the guides and participate in a few days of study for capable people.

Usaha kilang padi keliling di pedesaan sudah banyak dilakukan. Usaha ini memberikan banyak peluang usaha bagi masyarakat. Selain modalnya tidak terlalu besar (sekitar 40 jutaan), teknologi ini juga sederhana dan mudah untuk dioperasikan. Untuk mengoperasikan teknologi ini, tidak perlu sekolah khusus, tapi cukup melihat panduan dan ikut belajar beberapa hari pada orang yang mampu.

The business of the rice-mill refers to many laborers in the countryside. The cost of grinding rice is usually in the form of rice and money. Their income every day an average of 100 thousand dollars. If the rice harvest season, the income also increases.

Usaha kilang padi keliling banyak menampung tenaga kerja di pedesaan. Ongkos untuk menggiling padi biasanya dalam bentuk beras dan uang. Penghasilan mereka setiap hari rata-rata 100 ribu rupiah. Kalo musim panen padi, pendapatannya juga bertambah.

For farmers, the technology of rice mill makes it easier for them to grind rice. The direct rice mill goes directly to the farmers, no more transportation costs as before. Where the farmer must haul it to the rice mill. In the future maybe every farmer's house already exist this technology.

Bagi petani, adanya teknologi kilang padi keliling memudahkan mereka untuk menggiling padi. Kilang padi keliling langsung mendatangi petani, tidak tidak perlu ongkos transportasi lagi seperti sebelumnya. Dimana petani harus menggangkut padinya ke penggilingan padi. Kedepan mungkin tiap rumah petani sudah ada teknologi ini.

Posted using Partiko Android


I did not know anything about this topic, Thanks for sharing

Good adobtion inovation.

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