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Terms of service

Highlights of Terms of Use Notice

These terms are intended to define the basic terms and conditions between COINSYS members and BOLTSOFT. From the following, 'BOLTSOFT' is named 'Company'.

The Company restricts the use of services by minors (under age 19) or restricted competitors (persons who are not qualified to be a party to any act in the law). 'Company' may withdraw the member without the consent of the member, if the minor or restricted competitor confirms membership.

When accessing to the company's mobile / web page or application by filling in the account information, password or other information that matches the login information provided by the member to the company in order to use the service of the company, Is deemed due to the true doctor of the member. Therefore, the member must keep the security of the account, the password and other information, and pay attention to the damage caused by financial accidents or crimes that may occur due to leakage of personal information due to his / her reasons.

Crypto-Currency (hereinafter referred to as "cryptography") does not guarantee or guarantee the value of third parties (including any company) within or outside the Republic of Korea as there is no issuer. Therefore, the value of the cipher money may vary greatly depending on the laws of the world including Korea, the policies of the countries including Korea, the interpretation of the voting rights, the economic environment and so on. In particular, the interpretation of legal acts on the transaction of cryptographic currency differs from country to country, and therefore, members must pay attention to this because they have inherent risks inherent in legal currency.

COINSYS Trading Services allows a member to trade passwords with other members or to send passwords of members who are kept in the asset status (electronic wallet) of the COINSYS Exchange to another electronic wallet through a block chain network, COINSYS is a service that can be obtained as an asset status (e-wallet) of members in the Exchange. The current block chain technology is considered to be non-modifiable by a third party, but may change at any time due to technological advances or other unpredictable circumstances.

If the member trades the cipher money using the service of the company, the transaction history of the cipher currency (asset status, order history) is recorded in the COINSYS transaction service system. The Company will be paid a certain fee for transactions entered into during the course of COINSYS's currency exchange transactions.

When a member transmits or receives a password using the services of a company, the transaction history of the password is recorded in a block-chain network so that the password users of the world can check the authenticity of the transaction, A certain fee shall be paid to the miners. At this time, the commission paid by the company is paid to the miners. If the difficulty of mining increases or the demand for transmission exceeds the mining supply demand, the miner first minves the block chain that pays the higher commission. The commission paid to the person is volatile.

The company is endeavoring to provide the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, but it is not guaranteed. In the event of a problem such as the suspension of service due to unlawful acts of a member or a third party, the occurrence of a service error, and the display of the transaction records displayed to the member is displayed different from the actual record, Resume. At this time, the member may request the company to recover the actual record of the cipher money based on the transaction record the company has.

Recently, passwords have been used as a means of fraudulent telecommunication finance such as smsing and pharming. Therefore, the member must pay attention to avoid the damage caused by the telecommunication financial fraud, and if the investigation of the investigation authority, the judicial institution, the administrative institution and other public power is conducted due to the telecommunication financial fraud, If necessary, the Company may freeze such accounts and electronic wallets without the Member's consent.

In the event of damages to the Company caused by illegal activities of the member, the Company may exercise the right to claim damages by law to the member. Therefore, please comply with laws and regulations and use our services.

Since the transaction of the cipher currency is made at each exchange in each country including the Republic of Korea, the member evaluates the value of the cipher currency to be traded by checking the price of the COINSYS transaction service and the price of the other exchange under his own responsibility and expense I have to make a deal. Especially, other exchanges including COINSYS trading service can check the server at any time, so there may be a sharp difference between the prices before and after the server check. Therefore, if the price of a cryptographic currency rises sharply or rapidly, it is necessary to evaluate whether the market price formed by COINSYS trading service appropriately reflects the value of the cryptographic currency immediately after the server check is terminated.

The Company shall compensate members for damages caused by circumstances not related to the Company, such as the occurrence of a fault caused by the cause of the business or member including the telecommunication service provider under the Telecommunications Business Act, No compensation.

The company can check the server at any time to provide stable service, and the member can trade passwords after the server check is over. In particular, when there is a concern that damage may occur to a member due to the occurrence of computer failure due to a sudden increase in the volume of orders, etc., an urgent inspection should be carried out within the minimum range necessary to prevent damage to the member Prevention.

Chapter 1: General Provisions

Article 1 [Purpose)These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Cryto-Currency ("Virtual Currency", "Virtual Currency", etc.) service provided by BOLTSOFT Co., Ltd. The rights and responsibilities of the company and its members in relation to the procedures, and other necessary matters.Article 2 (Explanation of Terms, Explanation and Change of Effect)

The contents of this Agreement shall be effective by posting on the site related to the service membership of the company or otherwise notifying the users by signing up as a member of the company.

If necessary, the Company may change these Terms and Conditions to the extent that it does not violate the relevant laws such as the "Act on Regulation of the Terms", "Act on the Promotion of Information Network Usage and Information Protection, etc.".

If the Company changes the terms and conditions, it shall notify the date of application and the reasons for change from the 7th day before the application date to the day before the effective date on the initial screen or pop-up screen or notice of the company site along with the current terms.

If the Company notifies the amended terms in accordance with the preceding paragraph and clearly notices that the member has approved the amendment within seven days from the effective date of the amendment, If there is no indication, the changed terms are deemed to have been approved. If a member disagrees with the amendment terms, the member may terminate the use agreement pursuant to Article 12 (1), and in addition, the company may withdraw the member.

Article 3 (Outside Terms and Conditions)For matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions, the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act on Electronic Commerce, Regulations on the Regulation of the Consumer Protection Act, the Consumer Protection Directive and other relevant laws and regulations established by the Fair Trade Commission, (Hereinafter referred to as the "Detailed Guidelines"), as well as the individual Terms of Use, Operational Policies and Rules of the Services. In addition, if there is a conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the Detailed Instructions, please follow the detailed instructions.Article 4 (Definition of terms)Terms used in these terms are defined as follows.

① Service: This means COINSYS's password trading service and related services that members can use regardless of terminals (including various wired and wireless devices such as PCs and portable terminals).

② Member: A person who has access to the service, approves the terms of service, enters into membership, and enters into a contract with the company to use the service.

③ ID: This is the e-mail address registered by the member when the member joins the member in order to identify the member and provide the service after the member agrees to these terms and the personal information processing policy.

④ Cryptography: Bit coin, etherium, and other encrypted currency that can be traded in the service.

⑤ KRW Virtual currency (KRW): A virtual currency that a member can use in a service such as a password currency transaction, and can exchange 1: 1 in cash.

⑥ Debit Wallet Address: means any virtual money account or account owned or used by a member or any other person.

⑦ Password: It is a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters approved by the company for member identification and member information protection.

⑧ Merchant: A member who sells the virtual money in accordance with the form provided by the company online, in order to sell the virtual money.

⑨ Buyer: A member who purchased and registered the virtual currency in accordance with the form provided by the company online in order to purchase the virtual currency.

⑩ Google OTP dual authentication: refers to authentication that enhances safety by applying a combination of two authentication methods.

Chapter 2 Accounts and Administration

Article 5 (Account Creation)

'Account (ID)' is a combination of pre-registered letters and numbers to identify members in the service. If the member agrees to this agreement, registers the member's account and password, and if the member performs the authentication process through the confirmation service of the e-mail address or mobile phone number requested by the company, The account is created.

If a member needs an account to use the Service, the Member must use his / her account and use the created account, and shall not misuse the personal information of another person or violate relevant laws or regulations in a manner equivalent thereto It's possible. The Company may request verification of identity or identity verification through professional bodies to the extent permitted by statute to verify that the information provided by the member is in fact consistent with the facts.

The Company may require separate consent to the individual Terms of Service for each of the services provided by the Company in respect of the specific services. In this case, the member may freely agree to the individual terms of service in one account and may use individual services within the scope of his / her agreement.

If you subscribe to the Service by agreeing to these Terms, you may use your company's COINSYS Transaction Service.

Article 6 (Rejection of Account Creation and Reservation)

A company may refuse to create an account for a customer, especially if it is a minor (under 19 years old) or a restricted person (who is not qualified to be a party to an act in the law).

① If the company deletes the member's account

② When a member wants to create an account using personal information such as the name of another person or e-mail address

③ If you do not input necessary information or input false information

④ If there is a significant risk that the use of this service constitutes or constitutes a violation of applicable law in accordance with laws other than the Republic of Korea effective in the residence of the member

⑤ If a minor (under age 19) or restricted ability (a person who is not qualified to be a party to an act in law) is found to have joined a member without the consent of the legal representative

⑥ If the member is found to have violated the laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea in the course of using the service

⑦ When it is used as a tool of telecommunication financial fraud or it is confirmed that the damage money due to telecommunication financial fraud is deposited or withdrawn

⑧ If you want to apply for withdrawal even though an account is created according to the application of the member, or apply for the same account even after the withdrawal process is completed

⑨ If the member's personal information is leaked or leaked

⑩ If the member is harmed by the illegal act of the member during the use of the service by the member

⑪ If the Company can not create a new account due to new, changed or abolished policies of the Government of the Republic of Korea and affiliated institutions

⑫ If there is a significant concern that the act of the company accepting the member's account creation may be perceived as a violation of the law of the Republic of Korea

When a member is found to have created an account in violation of any of the subparagraphs of Paragraph 1 above, the Company may immediately suspend the use of the Member's services.

The Company may suspend member's account creation despite the application of the member's account in the following cases:

① If there is no realistic room for the provided service facility capacity

② If there is a problem with the technical part for providing the service

③ Where other companies deem financial or technological reservations necessary

Article 7 (Account Management)

Accounts are only available to members, and in no case can anyone else use their accounts. In addition, members must manage their own passwords, security passwords, etc. in order to prevent unauthorized use of their account by others. As soon as a third party finds unauthorized use of their account, the member must notify the company through the Customer Center, and the company can immediately take measures such as suspension of use of the account.

Members can view and modify information of members through the My Page page of the service. However, some information that can identify the account, mobile phone number, and individual required to provide and manage the service may not be modified. In case of any change in notices at the time of application for use of the service, the member shall request modification of the changed information in the service or request the update of the changed information to the company through e-mail or customer center. Of the information. The disadvantage of not changing the information is the responsibility of the member.

The Company shall be deemed to be a member without a separate confirmation procedure if the account, password, security password, etc. registered by the member is consistent with that registered in the company.

If the account information of a member is stolen by a third party and used for illegal activities, the member may be liable for damages to a person who is harmed by illegal activities including victims of telecommunication financial fraud, Please be very careful.

Any disadvantage caused by the failure of the member to fulfill the obligation under Paragraph 2, even though the Company has notified the members of the service by e-mail or phone number written in the information, You must.

In order to comply with the real account system of deposit and withdrawal accounts implemented as part of the Korean government's cryptographic market regulation, the Company has 1 account, 1 account, 1 account policy. Members must use their own account and can not use more than one account without a separate agreement with the company.


Article 8 (Service Provision and Change)

The services provided by the company include various services that members can enjoy on the Internet and mobile, including virtual currency trading (sales related, purchasing related, transaction API providing, ticketing information search related service) services. Members can use the service by accessing web pages / mobile and applications.

The types of services provided by the Company may be changed from time to time in accordance with the circumstances of the Company, and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the services provided belong to the "Company".

The Company grants to the Members only the right to use the Account, ID, Service, etc. in accordance with the Terms and Conditions set by the Company in relation to the Service, and the Member shall not be allowed to provide similar services and commercial activities utilizing the same.

For better service, the Company may display various information, including various notices, management messages and other advertisements related to the use of the service, in the service or send it directly to the member via e-mail or SMS.

If a system error occurs during the use of the service including the individual program, the Company may delete the erroneous information caused by the error and restore or display the actual information. In some cases, Can be initialized to a specific time-of-day transaction information. At this time, if the wrong information displayed at the time of occurrence of a system error is changed, it is corrected and the actual information is displayed, so that the member can exercise the rights or bear the obligation based on the service according to the actual information.

The communication and financial costs incurred by members in using the service are irrelevant to the use of the communication and financial services used by the member.

Article 9 (Service Usage and Precautions)

Members may use the service freely, but the use of the service may be restricted within the following scope.

① The member can not interfere with the service of the company and can not use the service by any method other than the method allowed by the company.

(2) Unauthorized collection and use of information of other service users, or use of services for business or business purposes of the member (except when a separate contract with the company is made) You are prohibited from sending or posting information that is in violation of the law, criminal activity, lending or transfer of account information, or providing collateral.

③ You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, transfer, loan, secure, or permit others to use the Service or any part of the Software contained therein without the Company's consent, Reproduction, disassembly, copying, or other modification of the Services is prohibited.

④ The member can not do anything that is in violation of the law of the Republic of Korea and the laws and regulations governing the residence where the member resides.

The Company shall not be liable for the use of the Service, the use of the Service, the debts, debts and other contractual status with the Company in connection with the use of the Service, .

If a member does not comply with any applicable law, company's terms or policies, the Company may investigate any violation of the member, suspend the member's service temporarily or continuously, and restrict the member's re-enrollment. There is.

The Company may destroy or separate the Member's information after notification by means of other effective means such as e-mail or SMS registered by the Member in the event that the Member has not logged in or accessed to use the Service for the period specified in the Act, If the necessary information is insufficient to use the service, the use contract may be terminated. In addition, in order to prevent the damage that may occur to the member due to the member's account being stolen if the member does not log in to the service for a certain period of time, the company may request additional information necessary for the use of the member's service, In particular, if the user is not logged in for more than one year (12 months), the Company may commence the procedure for suspending the account pursuant to Article 17 (4).

If you are residing in a place where your use of the Company's services is likely to violate or violate local law, you must confirm that your use of the service may be penalized. In particular, when the Company confirms the place where the member resides, there is a concern that the use of the member's service constitutes or constitutes a violation of the local law (if the investigation of the internal or external investigative agency in Korea is started Etc.), notwithstanding the provisions of Article 17, Paragraph 4, the Company may immediately start the procedure for suspending the account.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 17 (4), if a court order, request for cooperating with an investigative agency, or a request for a government agency to freeze a member's account and electronic wallet is made in writing, You can start the procedure for suspension of account at the same time as the same defect.

Article 10 (Limitation on Members' Deposit and Withdrawal)

The Company may limit or delay the use of the Member's deposit and withdrawal, if any of the following are true: In the following cases, the company will notify the member of the contents through the message on the homepage.

① If the member name and the name of the depositor are deposited differently

② If the amount of first withdrawal after membership is excessive

③ In case of restricting or delaying the use of deposit and withdrawal in other company's operating policy

④ If the service usage rights set by the Company are out of range

In the event of a duplication of usage restriction or delay reasons, they can be used again only when the administrator or operator has the required release conditions.

Article 11 (Use, Change and Termination of Service)

The company makes every effort to provide the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. However, the provision of services may be temporarily suspended for periodic and temporary inspections for maintenance or repair of equipment or for any other reason, and such notice shall be posted on the service provision screen in advance. If the service is discontinued due to unpredictable reasons, the Company will endeavor to recover the service as soon as possible as soon as the company recognizes the situation.

The contents of the service may be changed or the service may be terminated due to termination or modification of the contract with the supplier of the company contracted for the service of the company or opening of the new service. The Company shall post such information on the initial screen of the service or on the screen or notice of the individual service with respect to the change of service or termination.

Article 12 (Termination of Use Contract)

If a Member does not want to use the Service or does not agree to the Terms, the Member may apply for termination of the Service Use Agreement at any time by using the menu provided in the Service ('My Page> Submission') or Customer Center, The Company shall deal with the withdrawal of the member as required by law. However, the Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Company without the intention or negligence of the Company in the process of canceling the service use contract according to the member's application.

Termination or use of the services provided by the Company in violation of the obligations stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, including the obligations stipulated in the individual Terms of Service, If the condition of release of the restriction is not fulfilled, the Company may commence the procedure set forth in Article 17 (4) or notify that it is going to terminate the use contract in advance and terminate the use contract.

In the event of termination of the contract, the Company shall delete the member's information except in accordance with the statute and personal information processing policy. In this case, the member can not request the member information of the company.

Even if the use contract is terminated, the member can apply again for the company to conclude the use contract. However, there may be time limitations on the re-use contracts and restrictions on these terms and conditions.

Article 13 (Protection of Personal Information)The personal information of the member is used only for the purpose and scope agreed by the member in order to provide smooth service. The Company shall not provide Member's personal information to any third party unless it is required by law or the Member consent otherwise. Details are set forth in the Privacy Policy.

Chapter 4 Service Description

Article 14 (Definition of Terms)The definitions of the terms used in this chapter are as follows (except as used in this chapter, as the context allows, the terms used in this Agreement are in accordance with the definition in Article 14) It is subject to the definitions of common and similar terms in the business. Provided, however, that the definition of a term under this section does not guarantee the legal nature of the cryptographic currency and the interpretation of the law not established against it, Even if the dispute is between the government agencies and judicial authorities in the Republic of Korea are not bound by the definition of the terms specified in this agreement.

Cryptography: Information that is electronically present in the underlying block chain network, such as bit coin (BTC), etherium (ETH), and etheric classical (ETC)

KRW: A virtual payment instrument that is used within the service to use the service and is recognized by the company as a member that can be exchanged for cash while the member is using the company's services

E-Wallet: Unique information that identifies the users of KRW and Credits, and allows unique information

Article 15 (Contents of COINSYS Transaction Service)

The Company reserves the right to refuse membership in the Company's web pages / mobiles and applications, including but not limited to Bit Coin (BTC), Etherium (ETH), Etherium Classic (ETC) and equivalent ciphers (BTC, (Hereinafter referred to as "COINSYS Trading Services") for trading in Electronic Credits (ETC) and equivalent ciphers as "Cryptographic Money").

The Company may provide the following services to COINSYS Trading Services:

① Cryptographic information

② Information on the electronic wallet, such as the balance of the asset status (electronic wallet), the closing details, and the range of orders available

③ Password Money Order

④ Cryptographic transfer service

⑤ Services provided by other companies

The Company will provide the members with the service to use the electronic wallets of each of the following items so that the members can use the services of Paragraph 1 above.

① KRW trading purse

② The electronic wallet of the password provided by the company,

Members must use COINSYS Trading Services in the manner permitted by the services provided by the Company.

The Company may provide a separate service that is added to the COINSYS Transaction Service, and the related matters are specified in the Individual Terms of Service.

The Company may change or discontinue the contents of the COINSYS Transaction Service if it is unavoidable due to circumstances of the Company and the revision of related laws and regulations. In the event of a COINSYS transaction service interruption, the Company will also bear the obligation under Article 18 (1) of the KRW in each KRW Wallet of each electronic wallet in the Member's account.

Article 16 (How to Use and Use COINSYS Transaction Service)

The Company provides services that enable users to trade cryptographic currencies according to agreed transaction prices (including market prices and quota) between members.

In accordance with the method of use of the service provided by the company, the member enters a selling or buying order by designating a certain desired price (or designating a market price) for the password in the electronic wallet, As soon as the intention to trade with other members is agreed upon with the transaction information, the sales contract between the members is concluded.

Depending on how you use the services provided by the company, you may transfer the passwords you have in your wallet to a third party or transfer them to an electronic purse from a third party. In this case, the transaction is completed after the time required to fulfill the necessary procedure within the block chain to which the cipher belongs is exceeded.

The company only transfers the encrypted money to the electronic wallet designated by the member. The encrypted money is transmitted in a block chain network independent of the company. In the process, the expected fee to be paid to the miner is paid by the member The commission paid to the miners is paid according to the demand of the transmission and the demand of the mining supply. (If the mining difficulty increases or the waiting demand of the transmission exceeds the mining supply, the miners pay higher commission Mining the block chain first.

In the event of any of the following circumstances, the Company may revoke the transaction such as the sale and sale of the securities under Paragraphs 2 and 3, and recover the original.

① abnormal use of member's COINSYS transaction service

② The occurrence of a hacking or other equivalent situation by a third party other than the member

③ Error in COINSYS transaction service system

④ Service failure caused by the cause of the communication service provider and the security service provider

Members must pay the Company a fee for using the COINSYS transaction service. The cost of using COINSYS transaction service is specified in the company's web page / mobile and application usage method of COINSYS transaction service. The company can modify the cost of use at any time according to market and company situation, You can earn the reimbursement of the revised content from the Effective Date.

Article 17 (Restrictions on Use of Services and Notes)

The Company may limit the use of its services by the following standards. In this case, the Company shall determine the reason, date and time, and notify it by e-mail or SMS according to the information written by the member. If you have not objected for more than 7 days after notice, you are deemed to have consented.

Service Restrictions and Service Unavailable

① Unknown (contact)

② Hacking / fraud incidents

③ Person in charge of accident member (contact and personal information agreement)

④ Billing security consecutive error

⑤ Application for Withdrawal

⑥ Others: Administrative judgment (if serious trouble occurs in normal service progress) - Resolve reason for suspension

⑦ Manager's judgment Transaction other than sign-in, charge, can not withdraw

Login restrictions

① 5 consecutive password errors

② Hacking / fraud incidents

③ If you suspect identity theft

④ Others: Manager judgment

⑤ If you are suspected of providing similar services using API and commercial use

⑥ Administrator judgment Unable to log in

Please note the following for COINSYS Trading Services. Members must confirm the following points and use the service at their own expense and responsibility.

① COINSYS Transaction Service is a service that mediates the password currency transaction between members. The company does not guarantee the value and redemption of any password currency in any case, and does not guarantee the economic interest Must be borne entirely by the member.

② The price of the password provided by the company to the member may be temporarily inconsistent with the actual transaction price due to technical limitations such as errors in program or system, information asymmetry, restrictions on communication environment both at home and abroad. However, the Company is making every effort to improve the consistency of the price of the cipher money that it provides to its members.

③ The company does not guarantee the authenticity of the personal information of the members that the company owns. However, as soon as the Company confirms that the information provided to the Company by the Member is not true, it shall be obliged to stop using the COINSYS Transaction Service and take countermeasures equivalent thereto.

④ A member may bear the responsibility according to laws and regulations when the account of a member is stolen from a third party.

⑤ The Company shall set the minimum usage unit amount for all transactions using COINSYS Transaction Service, and the cipher currency or KRW equivalent to less than the amount can be truncated. In this case, the Company will not pay any compensation for the amount that is deducted.

⑥ According to the laws of the countries including the Republic of Korea including the Republic of Korea, the policies of the countries including the Republic of Korea, the interpretation of the voting rights and the economic environment, the interpretation of the legal acts on the transaction of the cryptographic currency differs from country to country, Therefore, members must pay attention to this point.

⑦ The Republic of Korea does not officially recognize the legal status of cryptography, and in particular does not recognize cryptographic transactions as financial transactions. Therefore, changes in the policy of the Republic of Korea may result in changes in the legal status and value of the currency.

⑧ The communication service that the member is using has nothing to do with the transaction service of the company. In other words, the member must check the speed, condition, and environment of the communication service in use, and if the communication status is not smooth, it is necessary to refrain from trading activities to prevent unexpected accidents.

⑨ The company is doing its best for the security of the company's transaction service, but most of the hacking incidents that occur are the hacking of the Wi-Fi network that members are using, the fault of account information management such as password, It is a secondary accident caused by hacking. In light of this, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of high-tech crimes.

⑩ Since COINSYS trading service is available 24/7, the company maintains the integrity of the trading system, minimizing the inconvenience that may arise during the use of the member's service. Therefore, the company is checking the server of the company for inevitably providing the service and it is raising the predictability of the member by informing in case of regular inspection and provisional inspection in advance.

⑪ Notwithstanding No. 10, it is necessary for the company to check the company's servers urgently for unexpected reasons. In this case, the company can conduct emergency inspections, and if the COINSYS website / mobile access is not possible during the emergency check process, the cause of the inspection and the progress of the inspection are announced through the company's Naver blog.

⑫ The Company may cancel the order received for a certain period of time when it is judged that there is a sudden change in the market price of the cryptographic currency during the emergency inspection of No. 11, Minimize the loss of members.

If the Company restricts Member's use of the Account, Member assumes the following obligations to Company.

① When the account is suspended, the company conducts its own investigation of the account and the member must actively cooperate with the investigation of the company.

② When the account is suspended, the member can not deposit or withdraw KRW in the account, and can not trade through various electronic wallets.

③ At the end of the self-investigation of the account, the Company may, at its discretion, limit the use of the Member's account after 7 days' advance notice, and the Company shall notify the reason for such determination and the Member shall have a procedure There is.

④ A member may settle the money balance of the password held in the electronic wallet during the 7-day notification period of No. 3. Upon expiration of the applicable period, the Company will forcibly liquidate the residual password balance in the account according to the market value at the time of liquidation within the Company's transaction service and return the remaining KRW remaining in the member's account to the return address registered in the member's information.

⑤ The Member shall provide COINSYS with the exact details regarding the KRW withdrawal including the Member's refund address. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by misleading information provided by the member, such as when the member gives wrong information at KRW withdrawal and the company believes it and withdraws it.

Article 18 (KRW Virtual Currency [KRW])

The Company warrants to the Member the exchange of 1 KRW per 1 KRW (KRW in legal currency in Korea) per KRW virtual currency. However, this is not the case if the use contract is terminated due to the member's cause or if the member violates the laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea by using the services provided by the company.

Members shall be paid KRW for the applicable cash to KRW Electronic Wallet of the Member's account only if the Member provides the information requested by the Company and the Company pays cash to the virtual financial account established for the Member.

Members may receive payment from the Company at any time in accordance with the Company's method of payment for KRW in KRW Electronic Wallet in the account. However, the Company has no obligation to pay any interest or equivalent in respect of the KRW in the KRW Electronic Wallet of the Member Account.

In no event shall the Company use the KRW that the Member has without the consent of the Member.

The Company may, at its sole discretion, grant the Member KRWs at any time in accordance with the Company's policy. In this case, the Member may not claim the guarantee under Paragraph 1 of the KRW granted by the Company without receiving any consideration or demand payment in accordance with Paragraph 3.

The Company may limit the exchange of KRWs in the following cases, and shall notify the Members of the limitation facts and limitations.

① In the case of a written request by a court or a governmental agency

② In case of applying for currency exchange exceeding the member's daily withdrawal limit

③ If a member suspects that he or she has committed a crime or concealed the proceeds of the crime

④ If you suspect that your account has been compromised

⑤ If false information is generated despite the fact that there is no actual transaction among the members' usage history, or the actual transaction details and other information are listed

⑥ If a court order, a request from an investigation agency, or a request from a government agency

Chapter 5 Other

Article 19 (Indemnity and Disclaimer)

To the extent permitted by law, the Company shall not make commitments or warranties to any specific matters not expressly set forth in these Terms and Conditions with respect to the Services. In addition, the Company does not warrant the value of any form of goods or ciphers for which the Company has issued or does not warrant payment. In addition, we do not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, etc. of the information, data, facts posted on the service by the method such as the member's creation.

The Company shall be liable for damages incurred to the member in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea if the member is liable for damages caused by the intention or negligence of the Company. However, the Company shall not indemnify the Member for damages caused by force majeure such as exhibits, affairs, floods, earthquakes or other acts of God, or any act or administrative act of the Government of the Republic of Korea.

If the information provided by the member to the company is different from the actual fact, the company may discontinue the service at any time and terminate all or part of the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions, and if the damage is caused to the company, You can.

In the event that a member claims compensation for damages under this Article, the Company shall compensate the member for damages in the manner of payment of KRW or KRW in the electronic wallet that the Member is ultimately determined to possess, can.

In the event of any damages to the Company due to illegal activities of the member, the Company may exercise the right of claiming damages to the member by law. Therefore, please comply with laws and regulations and use our services.

Article 20 (Notices and Notices)The Company may notify the parties of the Terms and important matters related to the use of the Service by posting them at any time on the initial screen of the Service or in the Announcements column, and if necessary, by sending the registered E-mail or SMS to the account.


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