
Oh my gosh it!!!

But I ate too.much hahaha

I still have to make your pizza video! I have all the clips but I need to. a Monkee video now lol

Posted using Partiko Android

I knooooooow! Bacon is bacon! Forget the calories! Hahahahahaha

Do the Monkee video first and then to follow with your pizza! Hahaha i cannot wait..

Posted using Partiko Android

Gahhhh I have to see.if my brain is still functioning lololol

Maybe pizza tomorrow....I will see! Hehee

Okay okay no pressure.. just dont forget! Hahahahaha

Posted using Partiko Android

hehehehe nope i wont forget! i took so much video - i'm GOING to use it.

the kid that made our pizza thought he wanted to be on the video - and then he changed his mind hahhaa so i have to figure out how to blur their faces LOL

Waaaaaaahahahahaa really?!! That i have to see..i am getting excited

Posted using Partiko Android

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