Cat - sss - unday....

in #partiko5 years ago (edited)

Bang...! Screech...! Catfight...!

This time it was My Lil' One Jessica. I know Her voice, Her cry.

The above photo was taken several months ago, as I was trying to get Jess to stop growling and him. She gets very upset at even the site of him still to this day.

Rude Cat Awakening....

At 5 am this morning, I had enough. The noise from several earlier attacks, and this one, had finally gotten to Me..!! It took me a few minutes to catch "Shredder." It also took all my strength not to physically punish him. Cats do not understand that. But He went into a Time Out. Of course another roll of T.P. payed the price.... A roll of paper towels yesterday. He has destroyed upwards of 15-20 so far. More than all of our other cats combined. They did a couple when they were young and lost interest.
Don't get me wrong. I love that He is "Shredding" something so meaningless and easily replaced. And not the furniture or curtains.

Ambush Flyin' Attack Cat.....

I will not tolerate Shredder that is what his name is today.... (insert whatever swear words you wish) We will not tolerate these attacks on Jessi. She is terrified of him already. I am not gonna have her personality destroyed by him. We already have 1 rescue, Astro, from a home where she was Attack Cat Bullied for her entire first year. A year spent hiding under a bed, terrified. Fighting for her life against, ironically, a huge Orange Bully Cat.

At just over a year old, She was 4lb./1.8kg when we rescued her. She now weighs nearly twice that, but is forever emotionally and psychologically scarred.

Astro (Her prev. given name) We call her "Strohs"

Time Out Time.....

I am just now letting him out at 8am. Or is it 9? Stupid clock change.
He is a different cat when time out ends..... Just look at the photos below. Loud purrs and hedbonks.!!

Tough Love Time.....

He is going with Me when i leave 2 night. Hands on 24-7 supervision. Cat carrier time outs when He jumps on Sammi Jo. Sammi Jo is quick to snap. She will not tolerate his ambush kamikazee attacks. Nor will I.

He is a very intelligent cat. When He comes out of T.O. He is a diff kitten. Right now we are on the screened deck. He is 100% respectful of the other cats. Aaaaaand I turned on the waterfall. We are starting to think it is noise related. When He hears any sound He runs to it. Noise seems to set him into Hyper Drive Mode?

Live action update....!

No photo, cuz it happens so fast. Just picture the first photo above, (cover photo) but insert Stryper. Jessi's near twin sibling brother.

As Asshole Shredder (swear words now attached) was launching thru the air, just like a Pro Wrestler, off of the top rope. ( @manorvillemike & @hippie-witha-gun ) They both called him a pro wrestler.... LoL

I yelled Stop it..!! very loudly smacking my hand down on the table beside me here on the screened in sundeck. Cats scattered in every direction. My hand is still numb.

Time Out Time Again.....

He has been in and out of time out 3 times since I started this post. 10-15 min per session. Each time He is very happy and friendly. But it ends in his unprovoked attack of another random adopted sibling.

It is hard to say who this tough love time out therapy is going to be tougher on. Him or Us?

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We have been having the same issues with our cats. Which was great that Zeus came to live with me. Now he just gets in trouble on his own. Like recently he broke the bottom drawer under the sink in the bathroom using it to get under the sink in his hiding spot. I'm not at all happy about that. If I can't fix it I probably won't be getting my deposit back now. I tried taping the drawers shut awhile back and Zeus chewed and clawed at the tape till he finally got it off.

This is why we need to find homes for several of our cats. They used to all cuddle puddle peacfully together on the bed with us. Just go back and find old epic pictures I shared of all 7 of them in a cuddle puddle. Now they all fight and chase each other around the house. It got serious when the baby started getting clawed up. It was so hard for me to fight the urge to start throwing cats across the room when that started happening. We knew then it was time to start finding them homes. So far no luck. We just put several of them outside.

Yes things change as they get older with a multi-cat house. Can't blame them being cooped up in a house 24/7.. I'm lucky it could be worse...

Shredder gets a time out would be a good title for a cat-story post...I think Shredder is playing you mate...No intention of improving his behaviour and happy to take time outs with the pretence of turning over a new leaf only to shred like the shredder he is, all over again. Good luck.

It only takes one disrupter to up set the rest. I have had my share of trouble in the house.. things seems to work out with time and management. I'm always trying to make every cat feel comfortable.. They need outlets for their energy . Especially when young. I would supply them with boxes and rearrange them different everyday also they love paper bags.. But I'm sure you know all this..Buit you are right ..counter productive to yell at them.. Just frightens them and will be afraid of you...

From all this weeks posts it sure seems like Lil guy is giving you alot of trouble, I guess this is because he is still young and should calm down with time and you working on the rules, some of mine still misbehave sometimes, continue to be patient krazzytrukker, could he perhaps be looking to play but others don't want to?

The "play" is non stop for this kitten gone wild. It is more of an attack than just play. But He loves to play with toys. Balls mainly. It is like all his instincts are razor sharp and He has no control of them.

He is the only cat we have ever had that is this hyper. He will leap after (chase) anything that moves. Not caring one bit about landing on his feet or head.

Right now we are parked in Daytona Beach FLA. 1 block north of the International Speedway. (race track)

Breezy so i am sitting here waiting to unload. Door open. But I really have to watch, He may see a bird and launch. Landing in that scrap wood dumpster next to me. (photo)

But He would probably bounce off and land on his head.

It has been 12 hrs. Since He came back out on the road with us. So far no attack on Samantha. She is his adopted Momma, so I am hoping He will respect her. And being away from the adopted siblings. (All 7 of them) Just maybe this respect will become habit that will project itself onto the others.?

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Would be nice there if it was not for the wind, but yeah some of them kitties can be really hyper especially if young I know the type but hopefully this will eventually calm down, maybe being on the road with less cats might just do the trick on him, fingers crossed krazzytrukker. How long will you be on the road until you settle home again with Lil Guy?

Doing a couple local runs early this week. then off on a 4000 mile round trip out to Pheonix AZ. and then back to N. FLA.

Seems everyone that has an Orange Monster Kitty is saying the same thing thing. That they are high strung..... figures huh.?

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Personally I have not seen a difference of Orange Monster Kitty's they normally settle after a while like the other cats.

Thanks for your comment. Cat people are the ones I take advice & info from. They have learned from experience. I trust them. They have pure hearts.

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