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RE: Who is David Katz, the Jacksonville mass shooter?
That is unconstitutional. These voters there need to recall this fool for wasting the taxpayer's money on frivolous lawsuits that must follow, and will win! >:(
It is ironic that that is where the first fires of the American Revolution and Freedom began; and now those same fires seem to be running out of oxygen, and are reduced to a smoulder, SMH!
we are suing, actually my local gun stores is one of the primaries on the suit against her.
Glad to hear it; Tiny Tyrants like that infuriate me!
Since you are local, can you have her recalled, or impeached? Now THAT would send a message!
she is up for reelection this fall but I don't know if she is running again or if she has competition. She did it a few months before she believed Hillary Clinton would be elected.
It is more dramatic if you force her out before her term is out. Sometines this is not possible, so working for her opponent is a close second!
We had a rotten sheriff here we forced out, and had a special election to fill for five months. He cleaned house, and cranked up training; we might have the best sheriff's department in the state now!
I checked and she is running again and there are two republican candidates as well, the problem in this state is that the assholes on Beacon Hill and those in the judiciary all hate the second amendment so booting her out would be impossible. She will likely be reelected but I will pray she loses
Actively campaign against her! Oklahoma used to be in the pocket of the liberals every election! It has taken a lot of in your face confrontations, and a lot of door knocking, but in the last election, not a single county went to hillary!
Point out the expense and the futility; and the attack on liberty, of that stupid law she pushed through.
But don't let stupid statements stand either. I have been yelled at, by ignorant fools, for not being PC!
It is the world we must recover, to save the Republic!
I was thinking of sending a donation but I don't know yet which candidate has a better shot.
Talk to them, or listen to interviews. See if they have a website. If they don't, build them one.