The Shady Players of the Florida School Shooting Psyop | Hypocrite Sheriff Israel is a Statutory Rapist!?!
Parkland, Florida: The plot thickens... The shady players behind this false flag psyop are up to their eyeballs in military intelligence, sexual escapades, fraud, theft & more. The Zionist cabal is at it again, doing what they do best - THE ART OF DECEPTION. The story we are being fed by the media about these creatures, particularly alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz, is so far from the truth it is amazing there are still so many people who actually buy the lies! These are some incredibly sick & evil people behind this agenda. Corrupt to the core, Sheriff Israel & crew are just shilling for Zion.
This video was CENSORED by YouTube... All credit goes to Birth of a New Earth, who had their blogspot blog & 2 YouTube channels deleted in the recent purge. Visit their blog with links to even more videos (now on Bitchute) here:
Sheriff Israel Caught Red Handed | Story Changes, Conflicts with Eyewitness Testimony:
The Ballad of David Hoggwash & his Merry Band of Crisis Actors:
Thanks. Please keep digging. Seek The Truth.
It is not prejudice nor racist to be well informed. Let us hope that others agree and research the truth for themselves. Nice post!
More there that will blow your mind...Now Playing on DTube: Welcome To Parkland! (The Whole Hogg) - Extensive Cache of Videos From February 14, 2018 Event
Link to You Tube version: