A sunny adventure with daddy and champ!
Any day I can do something fun with my children is a great day!
My eldest son, Carlin, spends half of every day with his mother, and his afternoons/evenings with his baby brother, step-mom, and myself. I've written before about how well Carlin's mother and I co-parent, but it's still rough on the guy at times, especially now that he has a brother. 'Carlin' means Little Champion", and man does he follow through! This little dude takes it all in stride, and understands that this is just the way it is. I'm not sure he quite understands just how lucky he is to be able to see both of his parents every day, even though they separated when he was only a year and a half old, but he will.
Some days, I'm a bit too busy to deserve the title of Super Dad, and other days, Baby Vin requires too much attention and scheduling for us to be able to do much that Carlin would consider fun. Yesterday fell under neither of those categories. @cryptomomma took Baby Vin out to a baby birthday party, and Carlin and I found ourselves alone for the afternoon, with a world of potential adventures to choose from! It was hot and sunny out, so we decided to go for a long walk to hunt for some wild Pokemon, and collect some much needed items!
Pokemon Go! can be a great way to have fun, exercise, get the kids and you (ME) outside, and see parts of your local area, or even the world, that you may never have had a reason to see before!
I like to involve learning into nearly everything my children do, without making it seem like they're learning. I believe learning new things should be something one wants to do, and human nature tends to kick back against being made to do things. This seemed like a perfect time to teach Carlin about how to use maps to find your way. If you didn't know, Pokemon Go! is a game that requires you to traverse the real world in order to find wild Pokemon, with points of interest like historical buildings, monuments, or other locations marked as "Stops", where one can collect items used within the game. He picked up the concept pretty quick, and pretty soon, he was telling me how to get to the next Poke-Stop!
Pokemon Go! is really... evolving, and can even teach you a lot about your local area!
We live next to a school, so one of the first quests on our adventure was to stop at the playground for a bit of climbing and sliding!
Carlin's almost five now, and he's starting to get restless. That's not to mention that I'm pretty sure he got my ADHD, so being cooped up in the house does not suit his energy level very well. Now that summer is on the way, days like this will become more frequent, and the more he and his brother grow up, the more grandiose our adventures will become!
He just so happened to be wearing a really nice shirt, so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get some cute pictures of him while we were out. He's getting really big, and his personality is boiling over. I have no idea where he got it... ;) but I love every single second of his craziness!
Carlin got stoked when we turned the corner and saw a "GIANT CASTLE!!!"

We live downtown, the oldest part of the city. Our town has many aspects of "small town America", but over 200 after being founded, we're still "growing into our briches"!
Many of the buildings in this part of town are very old, and date to a time when people put more thought and detail into everything they built. There is so much beautiful architecture all in one place, and it can be easy to overlook much of it since I've grown up around it. Strolls like this always make me a little more appreciative to call this "Home".
After a long walk in the sun, there's almost nothing better than a cold treat, so we stopped at a local small-business, and got drinks and popsicles! All in all, it was an amazing day, and I'm incredibly happy that Carlin and I got to spend some quality time together. I've taken a bit of a step back from Steemit the last week or two to reevaluate my work/life balance, or lack there of...
My boys deserve a father who doesn't just claim to be Super Dad, but earns the title every day. I don't like receiving things I don't earn, and I'd hate to be undeserving of anything when it comes to my children. Memories like these are what I planned for when first I decided I was ready to have children. I've put less than 100% into my family, and it's high-time I rectify that.
I haven't published a #parenting post in a while, but it's always great to share things like this with the world, and immortalize it on the Blockchain!
Thanks a lot for reading! Follow me to read about all kinds of cool stuff like science, technology, parenting, and my endeavor to open the world's first Blockchain-centric makerspace, @thesteemhouse!

Look like you guys had a great day keep up
It was a great day! Who wouldn't enjoy some sun, laughs, and ice cream?
Your son is good looking.he has a very cheerful face.stay good
He's very handsome indeed :) He looks much more like his mother than myself, though I think that works in his favor.
Yes he is also handsome.
That's quite a nice bonding you two had... real quality time.😉
What a great father-son day! You need to do that regularly. We used to do things with my four sons when they were little. They still talk about the adventure we took them on and are now doing those things with my grandkids. Pokemon Go is awesome to play with kids!
Aww that was nice to read!!! It's really great to be able to have that quality time and enjoy every minute.. Go Dad!! :)
YOUR KID IS ADORABLE! Thanks so much for sharing your family with us in this post. You are so busy and sharing these family moments with us warms our hearts. Well, it definitely does mine. :) Thanks for sharing during the show!
Your town looks like it has some great historic buildings! Looks like you guys had a good time! Upvoted :)
This is absolutely precious! Pokemon is a ton of fun!!
Thats very cool.
Amy and I played Pokemon Go when it 1st came out. We found many new and interesting places around our local area by hunting Pokemons.
It was funny some times we were walking and talking and then I would find myself way down the path by myself, because Amy had stopped to catch a Pokemon, and I had just been walking and talking to myself. LOL
nice post man, I am sure your kids will be learning a lot from a dude like you bro! You guys are in the right track.