RE: Can We Talk About This?
Look just own your bigotry ok, stop trying to hide it under "Won't someone think of the children", If you just said I don't like gay people I could respect you more.
Be honest, you don't care about the protection of children, it just you a shield for your bigotry. works like this.
the whole gay=pedo has been such a well worn path by the anti-lgbt that its is just laughable
see this link.
You see you it works like this:
- You make some post or whatever saying or implying that gay people are pedophiles.
Which is a fallacy of exclusion, where you attempt to focus attention gay people are assuming that pedophilia is unique to gay men ignoring the fact that it is way more common among straight men and women and occurs at a much higher frequency.
- Someone calls you on your bullshit
- You accuse them of being supporters of pedophilia as a silencing technique, I mean this is a total non sequiter, end of story poor argument
I can and do disagree with your opinion, that does not mean I support pedophilia. - Accuse person of being mean, or targeting them or being violent, the start of claims of it's just my opinions, various appeals to authority, emotional appeals, more logical fallacies...
I mean blah blah blah, do you want me to go on or do you want to slip away quietly.