Particular hiccup in my plan

in #parenting7 years ago

Many moons ago @dwinblood went on about this great site. My reaction was ‘hell yeah!’ because I am all about opinions. Want to debate something? I am interested in conversing. As a strong willed stubborn adult. Better yet, it is a written conversation and that is my strong suit.

Then I let it sit. This is where I label it ‘first world writer mom’ problems ;) I have literally thought of at least 20 things to write about. Do you see them? Nope. These brilliant topics come to mind when I lay down to unwind. My brain starts relaxing and BAM idea. ‘Oh man I’ll have to write about that tomorrow…’ I mutter as I try to shut my brain up so I can finally sleep.

The next day I sit down at the computer. Time to write! I have a small window of peace and some time.

((All the things meme))

Except...... I have no idea what I thought of the day before. I sit there staring at the blank. I do not want to waste people's time with just any topic. No, I want it something I actually care about, but at that moment I care about taking a break. So then I read someone's post, and depending on the length I may or may not run out of time to respond.

Skip a few hours and I finally sit down again. Almost no energy as I have wrangled all tiny people into bed, and I want a break before sleep engulfs me. I look at the screen. Many more posts I can read, but I really REALLY want to write. I open a blank Google Doc to draft, and stare at the blankness. Ha! No ideas. I'm pretty sure my brain had rage quit as I prod it for what I am passionate about.


So I play some music and work on tidbits of coding before giving up for the night. I lay down wiped from a full day, knowing I am going to cut into my 8hrs of sleep if I stay up any longer, and an idea pops into my head. Now start from the top and repeat :P

As I laughed one day at this silly cycle, I also asked myself how I am going to solve it. Writing keeps me sane, and I use it for expression. So in my new schedule, how am I going to fit it in? I am open for ideas that have worked for others! It's on my mind and I truly want to be an active non-fiction writers as much as I write fiction. ^_^ Thanks Steemers!

To toss in the lols, some days I have balanced it all and feel like Superwoman.
Others are more like this:



I find that when I think of something to write, that is when I write. Fortunately, I write really fast when I am in the zone so I can sometimes churn out a lengthy post, images and all in 30 minutes or so. There have been occasions where WORK demands require me to stop mid-posting, but I am fast enough that is not usually the case. So far I am fortunate enough that my stream of consciousness doesn't appear to be too bad when I write. So I can get away with it. I can tell you the more I do it, the faster I get, and the easier it becomes. So all I can say is WHEN it is calling to you, write. If you wait to write that seed may never germinate.

Thus far I have not been able to write when I feel inspired to write. I have started writing outlines or scraps. Not flawless, but much improved ^_^ The pictures are usually what take me the most time lately. How do you make yours?

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