Single Parent By Choice

in #parenting7 years ago

Any #single #parents out there? How about anyone that became a single parent by choice? I did...8 years ago. I wanted a #child and I was getting to the point that if I didn't get pregnant it was going to be too late. I was open to the idea of adoption but I wanted to have a shot at having a biological child.

I did tons of research on #donor #insemination and decided that was the way to go. It took a few tries and a minor procedure but I did get pregnant and now I have an awesome little boy named Noah....Noah and Ike.jpeg

He is super cool and he LOVES his #cat Ike.

Parenting is not easy no matter if you are single or part of a couple. Noah has very strong opinions and is very stubborn...this will serve him well in life but it can be a challenge.

I would love to hear from you and your experiences as parents!


I grew up with my cat at about his age, my cat lived to be 20 something years old and was with me well into my adult life.

Good memories.

Aww....I've always had cats too and definitely wanted my son to develop a bond with animals...I love to see how gently he treats ours.

I'm a single mom of three. I think personality of the parent plays a huge role in how satisfying they will find the experience. I personally LOVE being a single parent. I get to enjoy maximum time with my kids, and there is no one to disagree with on my parenting choices. I'd rather just have all the responsibility than have to constantly be doing damage control for another persons mistakes. But maybe that has more to do with my choices in partners in the past...either way. This is the happiest I have ever been, I don't see myself getting into another relationship. Not while my kids are young anyways.

I totally agree...I definitely seek advice on parenting choices but in the end it is my decision and responsibility for the outcome. My son is happy and that is the most important thing!

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