Delicious baked pork in parchita sauce served with cabbage and carrot salad. [Esp-Eng]
Para la ensalada:
200 grs de repollo, 02 zanahorias, 01 cebolla pequeña, 03 ramas de perejil, 01 cucharada de miel, 02 cucharadas de mayonesa y sal al gusto.
01 kilo of pork, 02 scallions, 01 garlic, 03 cloves of garlic, 02 tablespoons of black olives, 01 tablespoon of capers, 02 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, 02 tablespoons of turmeric, 02 tablespoons of oregano, 01 glass of parchita juice, salt and pepper to taste.
For the salad
200 grams of cabbage, 02 carrots, 01 small onion, 03 sprigs of parsley, 01 tablespoon of honey, 02 tablespoons of mayonnaise and salt to taste.
Para la ensalada:
200 grs de repollo, 02 zanahorias, 01 cebolla pequeña, 03 ramas de perejil, 01 cucharada de miel, 02 cucharadas de mayonesa y sal al gusto.
01 kilo of pork, 02 scallions, 01 garlic, 03 cloves of garlic, 02 tablespoons of black olives, 01 tablespoon of capers, 02 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, 02 tablespoons of turmeric, 02 tablespoons of oregano, 01 glass of parchita juice, salt and pepper to taste.
For the salad
200 grams of cabbage, 02 carrots, 01 small onion, 03 sprigs of parsley, 01 tablespoon of honey, 02 tablespoons of mayonnaise and salt to taste.