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RE: Negative Energy And Hauntings
Howdy redheadpei! "now she has her sights set on Keith" true, the poor guy. Your grandmother was amazing and wise! It's too bad you didn't have more time with her but it's funny that she would scare the dickens out of you with her stories! lol.
Hi Cowboy! I think the ghost stories Grandmother told were to let her grandchildren understand the soul is eternal and even after physical death there still is consciousness. The ghost stories were mainly of people she had known and their appearance after death. There were always a bunch of her grandchildren gathered around, with me, anxious for her stories . They were not always ghost stories.
Howdy redheadpei, oh that sounds like so much fun to be a little kid and sit around listening to them tell those stories! I suppose that wouldn't happen these days because even the little kids have $600 Iphones and all they do is look down and don't listen to anyone!
So true Cowboy. I’m not around many children but when I see them they often have their head down looking at their iPads or phone, usually playing games. Parents are smart if they put a limit on the time their kids spend on their gadgets and set aside a hour each evening for quality/fun conversation.
Howdy redheadpei! that sounds like wise advice about the limits for the iPads and such but I wonder how many do that? Maybe 30 percent at best is what I'd guess. Hopefully it's higher in Canada, I don't have much faith in our parents down here! lol.
Funny story- my niece has a seven yr. old and. 3 yr. old both with iPads. Hubs was talking to the 3 yr. old and suddenly he said, “Excuse me, I have to check my iPad.”
It sounded so funny coming from the little tyke.
wow redheadpei! that good, bad, or just the way it is these days? I'm sure there's arguments for both sides, the younger generations sure are good with technology.
Seems the way it is, Cowboy. He had nothing to check. There were games on his ipad he played. I don’t think a 3 yr. old could read anything on the Internet. He must have heard others saying they had to check for email, etc.
It will definitely be a generation of kids with tunnel vision but smart as the dickens.
Howdy today redheadpei! I agree they're smart but too many have no wisdom of the past. Which is fine as long as they'll listen but the one's I"ve seen don't listen because they think they know it all with the internet at their fingertips 24/7. lol.