
in #paranormal7 years ago


I’m not sure everything I am about to tell you is a premonition but it is the best word I can come up with to describe what I have experienced. If you know a better term, please feel free to share it with me.

The earliest significant premonition I can remember is connected to my father. Most of you already know he was not a part of my every day life. I actually only seen him when he felt like coming around.


However, I always knew when I would be hearing from him because I’d feel it, starting a couple of days, before he popped in for a visit or called me. This connection followed me into adulthood.

The next experience was a bit different and it came to me immediately. My son was a baby and had just learned how to walk. We were at a camp ground and his father told me he was taking him to a friend of his parent’s camp site, to show our son off.

I sat down at a picnic table with a friend of mine and did not even notice what direction they wondered off into. Mid conversation it hit me very strongly that something was wrong with my son.


My friend said I turned pale as I stood up and told her I had to go find him. I instinctively went into the direction I felt I needed to go. I kept walking in that direction and found them.

My son had little scratches and marks on him. As I took him from his father’s arms to examine him, I asked what happened. There was a river next to where we were standing; the kid’s dad said he put him down so he could walk. Another kid bumped into our son and it sent him rolling down a hill and towards the water.

My kid’s dad said he barely caught our son before he went into the water. That river had a current to it. I shiver to think of what would have happened had our son fallen into it.

One night I was awake until 6:00 AM because I felt in my core that something was wrong with someone close to me. I was not picking up on who and to be honest it was probably a good thing because there was nothing I could have done. (I did not live near by, at the time.)

Right at 6:00 AM the feeling went away and I was able to get some sleep. Not much, mind you, because I had two small kids at the time. They never slept past 8:00 AM in the morning.

My phone rang at 11:00 AM. It was a friend of my family calling to let me know what happened to my mother. She had been held captive, beaten and brutally raped the night before. She managed to escape, get to a phone booth and our family friend picked her up at 6:00 AM.


(I am happy to report that the bastard who did it, spent time in jail over it.)

The last significant thing I will share is something that grabbed my attention from the news one night. I was doing dishes but could hear my husband watching TV in the other room.

They were reporting about a woman who had been hit by a car and had been taken to the hospital. As I heard this, I felt a connection. I stopped doing dishes and went in to watch.

They were not releasing a name because the family had not been notified yet. I could not shake the feeling that I knew this woman.

Within a half an hour my grandma called me to let me know it was my cousin. She had been thrown out of a moving vehicle and was believed to be unconscious when a car hit her.

A man pulled over to try and direct traffic away from her until emergency personal arrive but another car swerved to miss him and hit her. So she was hit by two cars before any officials arrived at the scene.

She died at the scene but they were able to bring her back to life. They put her on life support at the hospital. She sadly did not make it. However, she was surrounded by us when she passed and not laying in that cold dark street. I am grateful for that.

My cousin had three young sons when she passed. I do not know what they were told so I have not shared a photo of her.

I know that was more detail than the topic called for but I did not want to leave you hanging about her fate.

Those are my most significant examples of it happening to me. Have any of you experienced anything like this?

If You Are Reading This, I Hope You Have An Awesome Day!

Photographs are owned by @debralee

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Yes. Quite often. But only relating to people really close to me. Sometimes I have had premonitions a few years in advance of things happening. It is a little unnerving sometimes.

It's only been with people who are close to me as well.

I always called it intuition. My intuition has kicked in a few times too. It is odd when it happens, but for me I've always felt like it was God stirring something in me to let me know that something wasn't right. I used up my voting power rather quickly tonight, so I'm going to send you SBD instead of an upvote tonight.

Yeah, intuition is a good word for it too.

Thanks so much but never feel like you have to do that when your voting power is down. I appreciate your comments either way. :)

It's no problem! I've actually talked about doing it for awhile. 0.01SBD is worth more than one of my votes anyways lol. I don't know how long it will take for my votes to actually get where they are worth something because once the 7 days are up, it doesn't even payout. At least it doesn't look like it does. I like to give back, especially to those who have help support me.

There is something about our instincts that can foresee or even felt what is happening about our love ones. I think every human blessed with it and experience it. I could not think of any close word, but you are right it could be premonitions.

I'm so sorry about what happened to your son, mother and cousin.

Reading your post, helps me understand that each of us can learn something from other's story. Thank you for sharing this.

Thanks @puroypoi. I too think we can learn a lot from others stories on here.

This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by your friendly @eastcoaststeem ran by Steemian @chelsea88

I have lots of dreams.
They come true

Thanks for sharing that. It's good to know I am not the only one this stuff happens too. :)

I don’t want talk about it publicly but yes I understand the word you described I am often connected with people in my life far stronger then I will ever let them know. My soul feels things long before they choose to share them if ever with me. I don’t share these feelings with people around me as it would freak them out that I know before others did without having to be told.

I totally get the not wanting to talk about it in public. I very often know things too and I don't always let it be known that I know. :)

I don't know how I've not been following you sooner. I always keep having to find your name! Now I won't have to go looking anymore. Have yourself a very wonderful weekend!

I just re followed you again. The site has been running weird for me today. I looked on your page earlier and it showed I wasn't following you so I clicked to follow. I just looked again and it showed that again. I thought I had been following you for awhile now.

Indeed site is struggling tonight. Here i was hopping to make some ground up for comment competition i'm in!

I certainly think there are bigger things in the universe than we may yet understand. I couldn't say it is or if it isn't; only you can know that Debra. The fact that you were able to see outcomes certainly proves very interesting :-)

I can share a time where in the months before my dad died I had this nagging anxiety; an anxiety that made me fear for someone close but I didn't know who. I actually used to go cold when the phone would ring, because I feared something bad had happened to my grandmother who is well into her 80's. Of course a short while later my dad passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. That feeling was gone after that happened and I haven't had it since.

I sometimes wonder if maybe my subconscious mind had registered my dads ill health but not informed my conscious mind correctly.... But then again maybe I sensed a "disturbance in the force!" Who knows, I can only really explain it as unexplained.. I think that everything is possible until proven otherwise.

I think there is too. I'm so sorry your dad passed the way he did. Unexplained is a good word for it but it does sound like you were sensing something.

Thank you :-) I have certainly come to believe so.

interesting topic. I've had dejavu a few times, Nothing as telling as yours.

Dejavu is an interesting thing in it self. :D

Thanks for sharing your premonitions Deb @debralee. I believe we have this psychic connection with family and loved ones if we are open to our feelings. This also makes us sensitive to other’s unspoken words or moods. I’m sorry your mother had to go through this terrible attack. I’m glad the person responsible was caught.
I have experienced premonitions but sometimes didn’t understand them until after the fact or didn’t want to believe them.

Thanks so much! It took me time to believe and trust them when they occur.

Wow, I do believe in these premonition or feeling or what ever you want to call it. Maybe more like a gut feeling even. I'm sorry for all this sorrow you've had. It certainly does not make our live any easier. But , I believe it does make us stronger. Now, If we could only control that feeling and just be able to tune in anytime.. That would be great! Thanks for sharing this.. xoxo

Thanks! It does make us stronger for sure and it ultimately shapes us into who we are. Yeah, it would be nice to be able to tune into it anytime I wanted to.

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