I got my revenge on the rock throwing kids | Kiting in strong winds at Torrey Pines Glider-port

The truth is the army that has the higher ground normally wins. Looks like I am going to win this one.

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I wasn't feeling good, so I wasn't going to go to the mountains.

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Plus I had to talk care of a few things at AAA.

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My son and I went to Torrey Pines because its close to the house.

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The winds were going to be strong today. So this was going to be a good day for me to get some ground handling in.

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I was able to work on a few things over the water too.

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At this point I was almost to the end of the Torrey Pines Reserve.

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My ground speed was low because of how strong the wind was blowing.

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I wish I had a better camera with me. I think someone was flying one of these.

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Took the coast all the way to the Blacks Beach Pier.

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It was pretty epic to fly that high over that far.

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I had to be careful tho because the wind was going to be in my face on the way back, and there was a chance that I could get stuck.

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My son called me on the phone but I missed the call. He was playing around on launch.

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I did big ears so he could see where I was.

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After doing some maneuvers and having my hands full on landing, I decided to come in an use the restroom.

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I was bundled up for the most part but it was 50F so I was starting to get cold.

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In the end, it was good to kite in strong winds again.

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We were both ready for the Jeep heater.

###See video Below

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So where were the kids throwing rocks??? I wanted to hear a good revenge story! 😆

Just looking at those pictures gives me the willies!!! I am not a person who likes heights in the first place, especially when all that's holding you up is a piece of cloth and some string!!!

You have to see this post to understand video. LOL Thanks for stopping by my friend!

I have to get on my hands and knees when approaching the edge of a long-drop but when I'm hooked into the P.G. harness all the fears go and I happily step off into the blue :)

Hey, Cap'n!

I really, really enjoyed this video. Thanks.

I've been to the Torrey Pines glider port so many times, but this was the first time I've been able to see it all from a pilot's perspective, from the air. It is really, truly cool. You are really living the dream, man. You're blessed!



Epic flight there Mr Capt Sir :)
I only ever big ear'd once post training and that was because I was stuck in hover mode, 20 feet above a sloped landing field (strong and lifty air). I should have enjoyed it and hovered for hours but I was panicking as I was still wet behind the ears (pardon the pun). It worked though ;)

I used to live in San Diego and your photos take me back, although I never saw it from that angle.

Did you know that @mariannewest is organizing a meetup of SD steemers for this Sunday? Maybe you can have a chance to go. I will be watching from afar :)

Great info! Thanks! I will look into it.

This photography is really amazing. This is the dream of my life and parachuted to travel to the sky.

Thanks for stopping by. If you want to fly, set your mind to it. Anything is possible.

Come to California and I'll take you up too ;)

I wanted to make sure that you see this. I know that you organized a meetup here before and maybe you have more names? I tried to list everyone I could think of :) Looking forward to meeting you!!


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