
in #paradox6 years ago (edited)


original poetry
  featuring photographs by DavidMnr

new_season_by_davidmnr-dbom6bk 2.jpg


Between the bonneting trees I weave:
mindful, meandering.

Some distant elder holds the fog-netting;
                   I am caught
in the strange liberty of ignorance.

Trails compelled by motion too subtle to see
                                           weltering off
in every direction possible,
                                    into purple oblivion,
lead me further past the caution
                 I equipped
on my sash at the entrance to woodland glade.


What is past the white-green sentry?
a warrior's query.

Along the russet boundary,
                my hope burgeoning,
I found the fountainhead's heart.

Sink me into worn grooves—
                                     past all flaws.

Lock me into gates of light
                  to be healed
through spirit-thrumming sync
          in surreal locale.


Timeless lack of fear
              brought forth by divine will
beckoned me paradise.

The arrhythmia of temp'ral wings
              banished by ordinary ecstasy
traces me in its disjunct shadow.

In the pastel intersection of forms
       I am liberated
from the extremes that stalk me.

I am blurred
                into mindfullessness
by bonneting trees.


dreams_or_reality__by_davidmnr-dc7cpi2 2.jpgnew_season_by_davidmnr-dbom6bk 3.jpgand_the_day_at_comes_by_davidmnr-dbig34o 3.jpg

Written by
Photographs by

  1 — "New season"
  2 — "And the day at comes"
  3 — "Dreams or reality?"

and_the_day_at_comes_by_davidmnr-dbig34o 2.jpgnew_season_by_davidmnr-dbom6bk 4.jpgdreams_or_reality__by_davidmnr-dc7cpi2 5.jpg


dreams_or_reality__by_davidmnr-dc7cpi2 3.jpg

I am caught—
weltering off into purple oblivion.
I equipped, sword-and-scabbard-dulled,
my hope burgeoning past all flaws to be healed
in surreal locale brought forth by divine will,
now banished by ordinary ecstasy,
I am liberated
Into mindfullessness.

dreams_or_reality__by_davidmnr-dc7cpi2 4.jpg


Hi, @d-pend and all you reading now (please stay and listen —please, please).

I’ve been thinking about this piece for a couple of days, and I’m about to go crazy, so I will essay an answer and probably end up this with open questions. Here I go.

First of all, I love the aesthetics. At first sight, the pics immediately take you to the oneiric biosphere, where the speaker moves like an effluvium:

Some distant elder holds the fog-netting;
                                I am caught
in the strange liberty of ignorance.

(“Ignorance is bliss,” they say.)

These “bonneting trees” are spectral. Their trace is almost a refrain, almost a leitmotiv, almost tangible.

The image of the communion of “bonneting trees” involving a “fog-netting” ritual by an elder is mesmerizing. One wonders what that can be about. Inmy case, for example, it totally resonates with my notions of doctrine and one’s feeling of self-loss in the middle of multiple lines of thought and possibilities. The speaker in this piece goes from being in “disjunct shadow” of “ordinary ecstasy” to being in this “pastel intersection” to being finally freed, “blurred,” by these trees. The truth is that from beginning to end, he who “weaves between bonneting trees” remains caught by the wider netting of the unknown (the forest).

Acceptance of ignorance sets you free, which is paradoxically the utmost wisdom.

Well, after all this is not ending up at open questions but some ancient apothegms this poem has brought to my mind.

  • “The truth shall set you free.” — Probably from the Bible’s original “So He said to the Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

  • “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” —Socrates

  • "To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true knowledge." —Confucius

I finally got this out of my system. I guess I’m ready to take this inspiration to write some piece of my own. So thank you ☻♥

"Mindfulnessness" transports us by the light flutter of a breeze movement between trees that brushes the wings and creates impressions of cages for a spirit that swims in nothing surreal, enjoying the tense pink calm that inspires glorious thoughts full of hope. There is heavenly music in the words that unlock the passage from one state to another. There is a lot of rhythm in the forms of the images and everything invites us to dream and lose ourselves in spiritual enjoyment. The mind stops thinking and submerges in that relaxed aura, increasingly away from stormy and wet purple clouds:

The paths that are forced by a too subtle movement to be seen far away
in all possible directions,
in oblivion purple

Soft and harmonious chords smooth the edges that no longer have tips that hurt or limits that exceed. Now, there is freedom

At the intersection of pastel shapes
I'm released
of the extremes that lie in wait for me.

Dream or reality?
The truth is that it manifests itself through a line of conduct that flows in that river of soft current where the divinity transits, envelops, agitates and defines a state of hopeful healing

my hope blooming beyond all defects to be healed
in a surreal place produced by the divine will

The paradox is that by not paying attention to time and narrowness, there is greater freedom of action.
Surrealist writing and metaphysics of healing that relaxes the reader and guides him in the direction that the voice transmits.
Cheers, @d-pend!


I like this one especially with its little added response ending. Wonderful photography as well.

Makes me think of how time and nature connects and we get don’t realize the relaxing feeling we get from nature itself


The paradox of hypnosis: Extreme focus (mindfulness) can create (mindlessness) and thereby openness to suggestion and experience.

There are close to a dozen theories of what hypnosis is ... which means nobody knows. What everyone agrees on, however, is how it is done:

A - Absorb Attention
B - Bypass the Critical Factor
S - (make) Suggestion

There are lots of ways to accomplish each of the steps. Nature has figured out more than a few. It is no wonder that the ineffable nature of Nature is so often associated with the ineffable nature of spirituality.

Interesting theme. Intriguing photos.


Especially the last lines!
a very powerful poem!

This time i didn't use a translator to understand it, and my first challenge was the title itsefl;)
"lessness" words always aren't easy for me to find a Russian word, but nevertheless I've caught its meaning,
a very deep word and a new for me. like it!

Its been a while so maybe is why its so intense or maybe you just really be growing like crazy, anyway keep up the good work and also if you are not familiar with itty bitty sites I really recommend you checking them out , could be very useful https://steemit.com/steemit/@bitcoinman/new-innovations-websites-contained-within-url-no-server

are you ok, Daniel?

you've disappeared... 6 days already..
I hope you're fine and just rest..

very good and interesting poetry, congratulations, I'm new but I hope to see more