Papusha Rocket Tecnology: The World’s First Rocket And Space Technology
The world’s first rocket and space technology to produce fuel by using fuel oil residues from refineries offered by Anatoly Papusha, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences who developed the Buran program. The Russian scientists have created Papusha Rocket Technology project which combines blockchain, ecology and space technologies.
Anatoly Papusha is the one of the brightest representatives of the legendary USSR national school of the rocket and space industry, as well as a student and follower of the brilliant engine developer for spacecraft, V.P. Glushko. He gathered leading Russian scientists and academicians in technology, chemistry, economics, and ecology. The team also includes dozens of experienced marketing and blockchain specialists who work hard for the successful development of this project.
The innovative installation was capable of doing what was previously unimaginable, converting practically unused oil production high-toxic waste into reusable products like gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and very valuable synthetic oil. Every inhabitant of our planet can not only take part in the global environmental project, but also get significant profit. Papusha Rocket Technology allows each person to earn money by helping the environment in any developed country.
Every day refineries worldwide generate 1.35 million tons of residues. Depending on its capacity, one PRT-2 unit processes 30-90 tons of wastes per day. The market requires dozens of thousands of PRT-2 units. It is important to mention that it goes about recycling of new residues only, which allows not to cause additional pollution of our planet. Processing of the accumulated deposits and lakes requires the volume that is several times higher than this.
The company has created a simple token binding that is understandable for investors, with a continuous growth potential. For each PRT-2 unit sold, 15% of the sales amount goes to the “liquidity fund”. The company undertakes to transfer this amount from the liquidity fund for the purchase of tokens from the market and burn them within the next 3 months.
- The selling price for the PRT-2 unit is USD 950,000.
- From each sale $142,500 is sent to the liquidity fund.
- The total number of tokens in the amount of 100 million is USD 10,000,000.
- The price of the token (this value is used to simplify calculations) is $0.1.
Token info
Token: PRT
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Tokens for sale: 75,000,000
Accepting: ETH
Hard cap: 13,500 ETH
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