
in #papaya6 years ago


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Regular Names Summary: Papaya Unani Name: Papita, Arand Kharbuza. Ayurvedic name: Amritambi. A vegetable (Carica papaya) which is accessible lasting through the year.


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It is a little formed apathetic. The since a long time ago measured cover leaves are very expansive and are orchestrated in the upper piece of the stem in the winding structure. Blossoms and natural products are developed nearly consistently. The glass is of green, ready natural product yellow or yellow.It is utilized as an eating routine and it is additionally utilized. The crude pucca can be eaten in two ways; Raw organic products contain dull orange shading with dim green and squashed peas.


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Papaya is made in Bangladesh, India, America, Brazil and so on.

Nutritional estimation of 100 grams of ready papaya.

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Element quality
Protein - 0.6 grams

Fat - 0.1 g

Mineral - 0.5 grams

Fiber. - 0.8 g

Carbohydrate. - 7.2 grams

Nourishment power - 32 Kilocalories

Vitamin C. - 57 milligrams

Sodium. - 6.0 milligrams

Potassium. - 69 milligrams

Iron - 0.5 mg

The entire of Bangladesh is developed for vegetables and natural products.

Chemical Components:

The leaves and the rich natural products are rich in latex. This latex contains compounds that contain catalysts. Alkaloids on the page, glucoside and there are a great deal of vitamins accordingly.

Used parts:

Latex, leaves, products of the soil


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Blood in the skin, veins, urinary tract, stomach and soritis, stoppage and gravity. Ready papaya is helpful for hemorrhoids and clogging sicknesses.

Special impact:

Powerful in veins, worms, skin inflammation.