Why Hello Again, and Answering Questions From @SnooksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #pantsareoptionalcontest6 years ago (edited)


My energy levels have been down again recently. There is nothing more frustrating than having to micromanage your energy levels when that means writing is off the cards for another day. Not when writing also gives me energy ... and sanity. It's one of the most frustrating areas I struggle with when trying to maintain my MECFS symptoms.

And so it is lovely to be back writing here again and, with my eternal optimism bubbling up as the inflammation in my spine and brain have settled down, I hope that maybe I will be entering into a more stable period here I will be able to write here more often again. I so miss joining in to do freewrites!

Anyway, so @snook has some questions. I would prefer to answer them in interpretive dance but instead I will answer terribly conventionally by writing them.

1. Would you let me slap you for a hundred dollars and why?

Um, no, sorry. I ran a cost-benefit analysis on this and decided that the cost of feeling abused is way higher than the 500 bucks in soul pesos it would take to restore my sense of self worth. I will, however, allow you to slap me for a grand, because I'm saving up for the next dentist appointment :)

2. What time do you normally go to bed and why?

I go to bed anywhere between midnight on a good night and 4am on a bad one. Like Gilbert Grape's mother, I wasn't always like this but I have been a night owl ever since puberty hit. I think with awe of my prepubescent years when night after night the circadian rhythms would roll on and roll round and there I'd be, twitching in the REM cycle, by 10pm.

My circadian rhythms these days are like a discordant tritone, unnerving. But one must soldier on, even if one's body is in tatters, and do the best one can. Which means taking the melatonin earlier rather than later and resisting the urge to binge Netflix episodes of The Magicians after midnight. However, all bets are off during the Tour de France or any of the tennis grand slams.

3. Favorite day of the week and why?

Friday. I just love the anticipation. Plus, Friday night has become burrito night so my belly votes for Friday too.

4. What board game do you hate the most and why?

Monopoly because it was originally designed by a woman to demonstrate the inequalities of capitalism and when the company bought it they rejigged it so that it promoted the inequalities of capitalism. It's quite the interesting story.

I found Monopoly boring as a child. I'm happy about that now I'm an anarchistic socialistic mystic. Paying to live on Mother Earth? What a silly, silly idea.

5. If you had the world's attention for 30 seconds, what would you say?

Close your eyes. Breathe in, a little longer than your usual breathe and breathe out a little longer than your usual breath. And again. And again. There is a world in here for you to discover. It's full of treasures and monsters and discarded weeping children who need your comfort and attention.

Thanks, @snook, this was very fun. I love it when people ask questions like these.

Pics: first - CC0; second - mine, free to use


Love that you'd prefer dancing the answers :)
And, of course reading your answers. Glad you're feeling better and back on to share your thoughts and insights :)

I'm a terrible dancer - the answers would be misinterpreted :) It would be jolly good fun though!

I think you're probably a great dancer--especially when it comes to acting it all out because I've read your descriptions :) Or, maybe we'd be great partners in interpretive dance set-up like Pictionary?
It would be hilarious :)!

@sue-stevenson Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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