My entry for @snook's Pants Are Optional contest
You never know what you are going to run across on Steemit! The delightful @snook is running a contest right now, that requires participants to answer five questions. Here goes:
1)Would you let me slap you for a hundred dollars and why?
No, I would not. I am not desperate for money, and I don't think people should go around slapping other people unless it is for a VERY good reason. Like inappropriate advances, or exceptionally rude speech.
2)What time do you normally go to bed and why?
I don't have an exact bedtime. Sometime between 10-10:30 is my preference, but in the summer I stay up later while waiting for the house to cool off. Also, when there is daylight later in the evening I tend to stay outside once it has cooled off a bit and I lose track of time. In the winter, when it gets dark at 4 p.m. , I would love to just go to bed at 5:00, because it's dark so it must be bedtime! But that's not how it works out.
3)Favorite day of the week and why?
Wednesday, because I get to go babysit my granddaughter.
4)What board games do you hate the most and why?
I played lots of board games when I was growing up, and again with my own children. I like the old games, like Life, Careers, Aggravation, Password, Scrabble and Clue. There were some fun ones that my kids introduced me to later, like Catch Phrase and Scattergories. So far I've only listed the ones I like. I don't like Monopoly, because it goes on too long. And I don't like the newer board games that take up an entire table and are played for hours on end with complicated rules. I dislike them so much, I haven't even bothered to remember what they are called.
5)If you had the world's attention for 30 seconds, what would you say?
Heaven is real. Hell is real. Figure out which one you want to end up in, and go read your Bible to find the appropriate path to take. And then love your neighbor as yourself, regardless, because it's a healthy way to live.
Axis & Allies! Risk!
Blech! Those take a million years to play!! I always lose and I hate losing for hours on end!!
Have you tried One Night Ultimate Werewolf? Our family is obsessed with this right now...
I prefer Secret Hitler for my secret identity game fix.
Cool, havent hear of that one, Ill have to check it out!
They offer a free print-and-play version on their website.
Yay! Love free games, especially if they are fun! Thanks, and Ill look it up!
I know those are favorites of yours, but are they the ones that take up an entire banquet table? I can't remember!
Okay, I have been educated and realize those games to which I referred are technically not "board games" but "Table Top Games." And what a good label for them!!
This was a great entry and the Wednesday would be my favorite too hugs Thank YOU for entering!!!
That was fun!
Excellent answers! ♥
Glad you enjoyed it!
hope you find time for this one
It's that time again :) The We-Write is on!!!
Ooh, thanks for the reminder!