Being anti-vaccination is being OK with fascism in the current climate.
If there's one thing that's making me thoroughly depressed about the pandemic beyond all else, it's realizing that anti-vaccination sentiments aren't as fringe as I had thought.
Clinics that are asking for people to participate in clinical studies for COVID-19 vaccinations are being bombarded by snarky morons who think that such a vaccination world be poison. Of course, these aggressive idiots are the people who are going to insist that vaccines aren't tested well enough while, in the next breath, condemning the damn tests. If you don't see the logical inconsistency there, I don't know how you have the brain power to flip burgers at McDonald's.
Vaccines have saved more lives than pretty much any public health measure. Small Pox is gone thanks to vaccines. We vanquished it. Polio has finally been eradicated in most of Africa. I've participated in vaccine studies and I've never had a problem. People who are afraid of vaccines talk about problems that occur with about .0001% of people who recieve them.
The quickest path to a return to normalcy in the context of this pandemic is a vaccine. Even if we get past Faucism, our economic health is still going to be hindered by people's fears. Being anti-vaccination in this climate is to be okay with fascism for the foreseeable future.