Don't let the government dictate how you should live.

in #pandemic4 years ago


I want what everyone wants! I too want to return to normal… I want the open company of friends… I want to see my family… I want to freely hug each one of them. I want to hang out in the warm sun of spring & summer without worry, concern or fear.

But I would ask that you make some room in your heart then for my taking a perhaps contrarian and less popular perspective as to how we might best get to that so-called “normal.”

In most cases, and even among many of my oldest and dearest friends, the route forward is through waxxination... through 2 doses for now and then later, as they are required, through an ongoing progression of new injections leading to what I’m not sure... except very likely still more injections. Of that, we can be pretty sure, as the growth of the waxxine industry and the number of new waxxines display as a hockey stick curve beginning in 1986, when government eliminated financial liability for waxxine makers.

My path is just to say, be always cautious, but always to live your own damn life, which means to meet with whomever you want to meet with. Don’t worry! Don’t be afraid! Keep your distance if you like, or wear a mask if you like... but I’m just saying DON’T let the government dictate how you should live. That way leads nowhere you want to go. History is full of an abundance of grim evidence of where that has led in the past.

The only way that the government can get you to obey them is by making you afraid and thereby thinking that if you just do what you’re told, (this one time!) that they will change the rules of the game (that THEY created,) and so in that way (in THEIR way), it’ll all work out.

As I see it, that may be how it works out with you, your family and your friends... that kind of trusting, openness and acceptance of what other good people ask of you. That’s certainly my experience. I trust and love my friends and family and I ALWAYS try to accommodate them as best I possibly can.

When it comes however to trusting my government... Jesus fucking Christ - I do NOT! OK? I do not! I can give you a hundred reasons, based on my own direct experience and observations, but I will not give you one. I am not their puppet and I am not yours either.

I may have thrown away my TV long ago, but I still listen and observe… so I know full well what you are seeing and what you are hearing. OK?

But when it comes down to it, I do my own research. I don’t trust what the news media has to say and I arrive at my own opinions and courses of action.

I always encourage others to do that. I don’t think it’s asking a lot... especially where you or your loved ones MIGHT be putting your life on the line. Especially in such cases, research what you’re doing, so that you can make an informed decision and not a reactive knee-jerk one.

Whatever decision you make, you’re also making it for those you love. Isn’t that the very same argument that you always hear? Do you think that there is only one way for that decision to play out… by always doing what the government tells you to do? Really?

We were repeatedly told that we had to acquiesce to the government’s directives, because we would be “saving granny.”

Well, the death toll on grannies stacked up all the way to heaven, with some great majority of them not solely from Covid, but from other comorbidities; from ventilators, from lack of care and from the grim isolation of being separated for so long from loved ones.

The government's agenda worked - just as it’s working now, which means the soul-counter accountants inside our government (or inside the “global” government) got what they wanted: a grievously large NUMBER of mortalities.

And now with the waxxine, I don’t know... I’m hearing different things from good sources. Some sources are saying it could be six months, a year, two years or three before the full effects of these waxxines (and subsequent ones) are fully known.

But only in the last week have I seen five friends (or close friends of friends) suddenly die. What the heck did they die from?

Why have I not seen five friends die in a week before? Why have I not seen five friends die in a month before? Why have I not seen five friends die in a YEAR before?

Let everybody feel what they feel. Let everybody do what they do, so long as they don’t do any direct harm to others. Let us leave each other alone to live the best life we know how to live.

Don’t berate them. Don’t police them. Don’t judge them. Don’t distance yourself from them. If you loved them once, love them still. Act like a brave and sovereign human being who knows that it is the power of love, generosity and courage that makes us truly healthy. Stand up and say NO when you hear mention of internment camps, or what you know to be medical apartheid. You know on these and other such points, they are counting on you to look the other way.

Align yourself with your people. THEY (and not the government) are your only allies. They love you. Trust me, they are not doing this to be selfish. They are doing this because they have come to this conclusion only after SO much work, SO much research, SO many videos, SO many discussions and SO much reflection.

Don’t assume they have changed. It just may be you who has changed… but in either case, I love you still… just as I always have… just as you are.

God bless you all.

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