The establishment persecuted the truth and lied to manipulate the public.

in #pandemic4 years ago


The ruling establishment’s propaganda apparatus bombards all factions of the public with censorship and lies designed to appeal to their innate and programmed in biases as well as their fears which are then used to manipulate the general public.

It seems an absurd notion that China controls Joe Biden and wants us to adopt their social credit score system of coerced compliance and control. It is true that Biden’s overlords are trying to push us into some combination of socialism and neo-feudalism, but behind it is the Western globalists running the financial system along with the largest multinational corporations that have been funding and directing the Democratic Party for decades. China was not the ones that directed Republicans and Democrats to go along with the globalization scheme to send US factories, jobs and tax revenues to low wage countries over the last forty five years while it is however true our loss was their gain if you’re not opppsed to consuming goods produced with slave labor.

Equally as absurd were the lies of Russiagate, and that Trump was actually deciding US policies on Covid-19. Establishment propaganda was very successful in using Covid to further divide the country by making the last presidential election a referendum against “Trump’s” Cv19 policies that were actually decided and imposed on the public by censorship and lies from the industry funded CDC and WHO, along with their representative Fauci and the entire Western establishment propaganda “news and entertainment” industries.

The establishment will be setting up further economic deconstruction of businesses and jobs with more lockdown and mandatory vaccine policies if they get their way.

Last time I heard, people under 65 have a survival rate equal to or greater than the seasonal flu if they did get infected; and because treatments are better understood and more successful, the survival rate on Cv19 may be higher today. Since they began hyping the threat of death with Neil Ferguson’s false equation to first lockdown the UK in 2020, it’s been nothing but more censorship, distortions and outright lies to maintain the fear level and complaint attitudes. Teenagers have a greater risk of adverse events, including death, from the rushed experimental vaccines than from Cv19 Itself.

I can’t think of one thing connected to Cv19 that’s been reported accurately by establishment media since the whole thing began. Because they lie routinely, the default mode on establishment statements should be one of suspicion and mistrust - with everything needing verification by independent sources not the fake factchecker shills that are one more aspect of the establishment’s propaganda apparatus. The case and death numbers were both inflated through, among other methods, use of the faulty pcr tests that were never intended or accurate enough for diagnosis. The whole thing is criminal the way the establishment persecuted the truth and lied to manipulate the public - to exploit us financially and politically. Before this is over Covid policies could end up taking more lives prematurely over the next several years than the virus itself. What has the establishment gotten right about Covid that wasn’t attached to and supported by censorship and lies?

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