Normality is just a jab away.
In May of this year Tony Fauci testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. The YouTube video of this testimony is 2 hours and 38 minutes long. Senator Murray gave the opening statement of the Committee which said that vaccines are the way Covid-19 is being defeated but there needs more access to the vaccines for Americans who are disadvantaged because they are poor and non-white. Thus the tone of the proceedings was set in Dr Fauci’s ballpark right off the bat. Not why vaccination or what is the content of the vaccines but how to jab more arms even faster with Fauci-approved injections, that’s the testimony the Committee wanted to hear.
Karen Straughan commented on this video in the comment section. Karen Straughan is a prominent and strident critic of today's Feminism and has been a thorn in the side of the Woke movement for years.
Karen mentions that her daughter got the Gardasil vaccine. This vaccine is intended to protect against Human Papilloma Virus which, as its name proclaims, is theorized to be the cause of cervical cancer. The official description of it says, "Gardasil works by stimulating the immune system to attack HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18. Once Gardasil is administered, the body's immune system recognizes the viral proteins in Gardasil as foreign, and develops antibodies against them, thus providing immunity from future infections.”
This is exactly how the Covid-19 vaccines are described. Unnatural proteins in the injections are intended to stimulate anti-body production in injectees, so say the CDC and the manufacturers to the general public. So Straughan’s mention of Gardasil is relevant to the questions about the Covid-19 injections.
In this fantasy the only thing holding back the development of a vaccine is inefficient manufacturing restrained by old fashioned technology. The “full power of government" is sufficient to magically abolish this trivial restraint and release the instant cure which the genius of American scientists and corporations was guaranteed to whip up. When did Trump harness "the full power of government" prior to this December 2020 announcement?
He harnessed the full power of government and handed it over to America’s Doctor, kindly genius Anthony Fauci, trusted since the mid-1980s. Trump did this back in September of 2019 when he issued an executive order on Doctor Fauci’s request to develop the new technology to make more flu vaccines at at least Warp One speed, in anticipation of the Influenza Pandemic that Dr Fauci warned would be inevitable and soon.
Magically, the anticipated Flu Pandemic was switched-out for the much sexier Covid-19 Pandemic and nobody was any the wiser, certainly not in the White House. The September 2019 order specifically made Dr Antony Fauci the sole power to administer the billions in funding the order authorized; the CDC and NIH, Fauci’s office, were given power over even the Department of Defence, and many other government departments when it came to developing anything Tony Fauci might ever wish to call a vaccine, no matter how it would be made or what it would be made of. In the eyes of the Trump White House (and can you imagine any other US president doing anything different? Joe Biden? Please!) these details were trivial and best handled by the expert, Dr Fauci. The White House says, Let There Be Vaccines and, Lo, forth they come. Presidential Authorization is Holy, now that President Joe sitteth on the throne of Majesty.
In 2019 President Trump had been under a rain of hate like no other president. Congress, the FBI, nominally his own Justice Department, the ‘Intelligence Community’, all the major media print and digital – all these forces at once were condemning him as a dangerous novelty, a rogue president like no other ever seen. But in May of this year Trump’s legacy, Operation Warp Speed, was celebrated by a Senate Committee Hallelujah Chorus that could have been sung with symphony orchestra accompaniment.
All that was needed to transform Trump-and-Tony’s magic Potion into the Elixir of Eternal Happiness was President Joe Biden to put his new label on the magic vials. The full power of government has been sanctified by being back in Democrat hands. Be assured, O American People, the Trump Monster has been melted by the Democrat friends of Dorothy and Toto (aka Biden and Harris).