To have a free market for government, that agrees to disagree, requires a single "virtual nation" with global consensus
I distanced my work from "bitnation" before the new year, one reason, the narrative with "competing virtual nations" is false. Remember, contradictions do not exist, to agree to disagree is a consensus to begin with, and to manage contention that way, you need a single virtual nation, a single global DBVN. Rather than there being "competing virtual nations", there will be a single "nation", a global consensus, for competing legal systems, a free market for government, Panarchy.
That is what Pseudonym Pairs creates, and the only way to manage contention in the way Susanne imagined her DBVN. To have a singular "virtual nation" is a necessary premise for Susanne's story to add up, otherwise it is contradictory. Check your premises.
It is also how Craig Wright understood his Nakamoto consensus. The Nakamoto consensus is singular, inherently. Pseudonym Pairs, as a component in the third generation of the Nakamoto consensus, is also singular, not many "virtual nations", just one, with a free market for government.